A Reassessment

Image by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay A little while ago I mentioned the fitness assessments that we can have at the gym. I recently returned for another review, and having spent three months working hard at trying to improve my fitness was hoping for an accolade. Personal health and well-being are not of course competitions, so there was no gold medal, Oscar or public announcement awaiting me. Of course that hasn't stopped me revelling in the knowledge that I have apparently reduced my metabolic age by another 3 years and succeeded in increasing my muscle mass, albeit only slightly. Sadly I know there is no real way in retirement to recapture the fitness levels of youth and somewhere along the line that muscle mass will presumably start to diminish rather than grow. Just at a point where our bodies begin to spring all kinds of frailties, the time and effort needed to try to keep them in shape expand dramatically. Life seems to be a never ending balance...