A Reprieve

Tonight I am writing this post rather than continuing my game of catch up with Downton Abbey. After a week of constant viewing, I am even beginning to sound like Lady Mary; should I deign to clamber on top of a horse and ride it side-saddle, you will know that my conversion is complete. Yesterday, I remained on target to reach the finale today when I noticed that the warning to the effect that all episodes would be removed on 31st January appeared to have disappeared. I wondered if an extension had been granted or if instead I was already viewing on borrowed time. I checked again this morning, and, can you believe it, after all those mammoth sessions in front of the television there is indeed now a new expiry date in two weeks' time! I am unable to explain my relief. Retirement and deadlines simply don't go together. After a career of working to time limits, I honestly have no idea why I succumbed to the challenge. All I can think is that, still slightly intoxi...