

I alluded to the lack of opportunities for travelling in 2020 in my last post and recently we made the momentous decision to cancel our annual travel insurance policy. The premium demanded was obviously going to be a payment out with no return, particularly when the revised terms were so ambiguous that there seemed little prospect of it protecting against succumbing to an outbreak of Covid-19 here or abroad, now or in the future. Whilst it's a sensible decision for the moment (and one that can presumably be reversed with the purchase of new cover when the time is right) it still feels like the end of an era.

Coupling that with European Health Insurance Cards which in our cases expired on 11th January (although I understand we can now apply for the replacement GHICs) and Mister E's passport expiring, I do wonder if the golden age of global tourism has closed.

I know it's far better from an environmental perspective to look at far flung corners of the world on a screen, but a complete cessation of foreign travel is going to necessitate a re-writing of the retirement handbook. Obviously there are still many places to explore closer to home but that redraft is looking pretty bleak when already this month's planned stay in the Lake District has been cancelled owing to the coronavirus restrictions. 

The question is: do we fill this lacuna by researching destinations we have always planned to visit, perhaps pulling together a schedule of future trips or is it better to ignore the potential for a resumption of travel for the time being?  In other words, should Mister E seek the renewal of his passport now or later?

My own inclination is just to ignore the whole topic of travel (hardly convincing when I am devoting a blog post to the subject) and instead concentrate on: those creative hobbies I struggle to devote sufficient time to; the simple life I keep seeking; the quest for the Holy Grail of happiness and the meaning of life or at least of retirement. In fact, ever the optimist, I rather think I could enjoy that for another year. 

But, what if this really is the new normal? Could I be content indefinitely?

I can only say two things for certain in that respect. Firstly the physical chore of re-scripting the narrative will be greeted with despair but on the other hand my knitting will be quicker and neater!



Treaders said…
I have always loved travelling but surprisingly I didn't find not travelling in 2020 too hard. I saved a fortune so that puts me ahead of the game for when I next travel. It helps living on mainland Europe of course but I am beginning to find it frustrating that I "shouldn't" (not "can't" as yet) go to Italy just yet because of covid, given that it's only an hour away. I don't know. I'm sort of looking forward to getting back to doing some travelling if this bloody thing ever ends but if not, well what choice do we have?
Caree Risover said…
Yes, it really is a like it or lump it situation
Jeanette Lewis said…
I've put travel thoughts to the back of my mind until WHO declares the pandemic over. It could be months away!
When feeling overwhelmed in the past, I dreamed of a quieter lifestyle. Now that we're living through a second lockdown in Ontario, I'm not so sure about this quiet lifestyle! I guess it's a good lesson in 'careful what you wish for'.
Caree Risover said…
So true. Expectations have had to change but there is so much we are all missing now the novelty of lockdown has worn thin.
Jennyff said…
At present any travel seems impossible. I try not to think about what we’d do if we had an emergency that required us to return to the U.K. For now I am fine living quietly but I read that holiday bookings for later in the year are high in the hope of better times,
Caree Risover said…
Yes, I struggle to understand who it is that is aboard the flights that are still operating nor, whilst I appreciate the desire to book a holiday, how anyone can as yet be secure in the knowledge that it will be safe to travel. My fingers are crossed that it will be, but my confidence is still telling me to wait and see.

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