Late, Even in Retirement


(Image by Merry Christmas  from Pixabay)

Whilst retirement continues to throw up its new experiences, I'm conscious that some of them only arise because I'm a little late for the party.

We have the misfortune to suffer from the problems that rural connectivity throws up. In particular, we  frequently struggle with mobile reception at one side of the house, whilst at the other it has proved impossible to obtain a wifi signal meaning that the benefits of a smart televison are non-existent. 

However, during last year's initial lockdown, for the first time I appreciated the potential of casting especially from the iPad to the living room. It's been an indispensable way to participate in online exercise classes. 

On Sunday, I was idly exploring other options to cast when I discovered that every series of Downton Abbey is available on Amazon Prime. I'm one of those few people who until now has never watched a single episode. I was, of course, working when it aired on terrestrial TV and never did find the time to invest in watching the tribulations of the Crawley family.

All that changed three days ago. At the end of the first two instalments I was completely hooked  and then I read the small print: Downton Abbey is leaving Amazon Prime on 31st January. Decision time arose, should I binge watch in the hope of making up for whatever I've missed or should I just accept that there are times when the bus has left without me?

With a cold week weatherwise when we are probably just as well snuggling down inside, what was there to lose? Challenge on!

Downton Abbey is a new discovery, a decade late. Binge-watching including afternoon viewing, is not something I've ever previously tried, the closest being a winter's trip to the cinema. But here I am, 4 days to go and 3 complete series down.

It's not really much different to curling up with War and Peace, intent on finishing it in record time. Unlike reading, it is possible to absorb the medium of video whilst ironing or knitting. The end result is not only has my appreciation of life above and below stairs a hundred years ago vastly improved but the laundry basket is once again empty and the baby-cardigan project almost complete. Moreover, I'm even typing up this post whilst watching Downton in the corner of my computer screen! 

So, bizarre though it may be, you could say I'm killing the proverbial two birds with one stone: catching up with modern technology and Downton Abbey at the same time.



Treaders said…
When I was working I didn't have the energy to watch tv - or more like I didn't have the patience, and I'm still not much better now. So I was about 10 years late watching DA too - but I did enjoy it. A friend lent me the entire set but sadly one (key) episode was missing. Maybe I'll try to watch that before they take it off Prime. I was the same with The Sopranos. Always a day late and a dollar short!
Jeanette Lewis said…
I'm always late watching the BIG programs! Nonetheless, when I get to them, I do binge. You go, girl -- I know you'll finish by Sunday!
Caree Risover said…
I don’t watch very much either, Treaders, but since retiring sometimes (more often in Lockdown) follow a serial although I can only manage one at a time. Otherwise my viewing is invariably limited to the News and its antidote in the form of comedy programmes. It certainly sounds boring when I describe it like that, but I think I lack the patience to watch TV regularly too which is why binge watching like this is a real novelty.
That said, I hope you’re right Jeanette because I haven’t left myself a lot of time and am already feeling anxious that I might miss the finale.
Jean said…
We binge watched every episode of Death in Paradise on Netflix last year - twice over! It was about as taxing on the brain as we could cope with, less gruesome and more uplifting than Midsomer Murders or Endeavour, just what we needed. I remember thinking it was too daft and lightweight to waste time on when it first appeared, how perspectives can change! Now we are enjoying the current series on the BBC but having to wait a whole week between episodes is frustrating!
We dipped in and out of Downton when it was first on TV, which was awkward, not keeping up with the story, but it was still a feast for the eyes. I suggest skipping to the finale to make sure you don't miss it - I do the same with novels, to check they're worth reading all the way through!
Caree Risover said…
I must admit I do enjoy Death in Paradise which is part of my current “comedy” viewing or maybe my series of the moment. Last year we watched a series of recent repeats and sadly still couldn’t remember the plots which probably proves how lightweight it is. Oh and thanks for the tip about the finale. I’m still on target at the moment, especially as I’ve established what is listed as series 7 does appear to be simply to be the one final episode (assuming of course they disappear like Cinderella’s coach and horses at midnight and not at 4pm).
Jennyff said…
We’ve never done a binge watch though I can understand your need to watch Downton while you can. I am hard pressed to find anything to watch, I cannot bear repeats and there are so many at present. The Serpent is creepy and hardly uplifting Sunday night viewing but we are following that and the Danish Investigation which requires concentration to keep up with the sub titles. If we were better people we might watch Italian tv to improve our language skills, obviously we are too lazy for that.
Caree Risover said…
I can certainly feel my eyes growing more and more square by the day, so I am unsure if I would actually recommend binge-watching, but then I am in a race against the clock! I also agree your comments about The Serpent, although Mr E is watching only because he needs to know how it ends, whilst I’m afraid I’ve just used Google to check out the facts on which it is based.

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