A Reprieve


Tonight I am writing this post rather than continuing my game of catch up with Downton Abbey. After a week of  constant viewing, I am even beginning to sound like Lady Mary; should I deign to clamber on top of a horse and ride it side-saddle, you will know that my conversion is complete.

Yesterday, I remained on target to reach the finale today when I noticed that the warning to the effect that all episodes would be removed on 31st January appeared to have disappeared. I wondered if an extension had been granted or if instead I was already viewing on borrowed time.

I checked again this morning, and, can you believe it, after all those mammoth sessions in front of the television there is indeed now a new expiry date in two weeks' time! I am unable to explain my relief. 

Retirement and deadlines simply don't go together. After a career of working to time limits,  I honestly have no idea why I succumbed to the challenge. All I can think is that, still slightly intoxicated from the joy of getting my tax return in with weeks to spare, I thought I could run with a far tighter timetable. Instead it became a contest of endurance tinged with pleasure but marred by stress and anxiety.

Now that I have been reprieved with only five episodes left to see, I am going to savour and enjoy them one at a time. My experiment in binge viewing is over and will never be repeated.

(Image by Vane Monte from Pixabay)




Treaders said…
I think I'd settle for sounding like Maggie Smith. I just love her one-liners!
Caree Risover said…
Sounding? I’m developing the jowls!
Jennyff said…
Now you will have to eek out the last few episodes to avoid withdrawal symptoms..
Caree Risover said…
Wean myself slowly and then plunge into The Handmaid’s Tale perhaps?
Bob Lowry said…
Have you seen the Downton Abbey movie? It is quite a bit better than I expected.
Caree Risover said…
Thanks Bob, whilst I’m not sure what your expectations were, I’ll take that as a recommendation!

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