A Satisfying Combination


I wholeheartedly subscribe to the notion that Nature always uplifts the spirit. Don't, therefore, dismiss me for the fact that I enjoy spending many hours of my retirement in the garden and no, I don't mean on a sun-lounger. The long Easter weekend has seen me pottering in the flower borders, sowing vegetable seeds in the greenhouse and taking cuttings from shrubs for propagation.

I understand that this is not necessarily how many might wish to pass their time but perhaps they may feel more empathy with my means of deriving enjoyment if I divulge that the weekend culminated with an evening in the village pub.

The third Monday of the month and it was of course Gardening Club! Well sometimes you do have to take your hobbies to that next level and what better way than discussing the finer points of soil, slugs and spuds whilst sipping a drink. It truly made my heart sing which, believe me, is better than it beating too fast.




Cathy said…
And I wholeheartedly subscribe to the notion we can spend our time doing whatever we want after we’ve finished full time work 😊
Life is what you make it….and if you happen to make your way down the street to the pub so be it!
Hope you are feeling much better - no more trips to A&E and when the time is right get to see the rest of the family. You did save those treats for them - chocolate eggs last for quite a while you know…oh too late all gone 😊
Caree Risover said…
Hear, hear! Thanks Cathy and I feel truly well again, especially after a weekend in the garden (and all that chocolate)!
Treaders said…
Pottering in the garden followed by a trip to the pub sounds like my idea of heaven!
Caree Risover said…
It’s definitely a winning combination
I think gardening is an excellent way to enjoy being outdoors! Yes, it's work, but you get to see the results (and sometimes eat them, depending on the type of garden you're tending.) My mother-in-law especially loved her time in the garden, saying it was her private time to think. It relaxed her as nothing else did!
Caree Risover said…
Agree wholeheartedly, especially with your mother-in-law.
Bob Lowry said…
Time in nature is completely restorative. I just finished planting the pots around the back porch for summer, and love the feeling of accomplishment.
Caree Risover said…
Yes, there’s something very special about growing and nurturing something - that’s what I love about sowing seeds in trays and watching them develop; I do take pride in their progress.

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