A Long Week of Bewilderment

It's been a long, long week or at least that's how it feels to me. It really is hard to believe that it was only on Monday that Prime Minister Johnson addressed the nation in order to explain the road out of lockdown. Of course, it's even harder to explain why his announcement has been followed by media hype and public adulation heralding the end of restrictions. I know I've been inhabiting another planet since retirement but I seriously didn't think I'd forgotten how to speak Earth's lingo. It's either that or some kind of communication error because I'm pretty sure the only concession the Government has made to the current Stay at Home Order to theoretically affect me is that, from 8th March, in addition to being able to exercise in a public space with one other person I can meet them for coffee or a picnic too. If that's getting back to normality, I really have transmorphed into some kind of alien creature. Also it might make a difference...