Snowy Days


Wrapped in several layers we ventured out for a  two and a half mile walk today. Not so far, but across crisp snow it felt much further. Purportedly the coldest day we've had in over ten years, it was certainly crunchy underfoot with only our steps breaking the silence of what was a beautiful day.  I didn't take my camera but here's one I took earlier, as they say, although in this case it was three years ago when we did the same walk across to the castle in similar conditions albeit a touch warmer.

We were impressed to see tyre prints from a solitary bicycle  in the snow; cycling in those conditions must have taken some doing. Mind yesterday, we spotted one of our more elderly residents cross country skiing down the village main street. I certainly wasn't tempted to get my old carving skis out of the garage to join him, nor indeed the little plastic bum-board that the eldest used to play on. I'm using Yorkshire snow as my excuse. It's always too wet, too icy, too slushy, not deep enough, too deep etc.. 

I see from the forecast, however, that heavy snowfall is expected again tomorrow. If the weather delivers, I do have a yearning to build a snowman or what about lying down and making snow angel imprints? Is that the secret to retirement? Regress, behave like a child and enjoy yourself, free from inhibition.


Treaders said…
There's nothing wrong with making snow angels! Show us a picture if you do. It's just started snowing here too and they're predicting quite a bit. Still, as long as I don't have to drive in it I'm good!
Caree Risover said…
A picture? You’ll be getting a blog entry!
Jean said…
Snow has made me very nervous ever since I slipped on ice and broke my arm more than twenty years ago. It looks so beautiful and we have had such glorious blue skies and sunshine the last few days but I still wish it would go away!
Caree Risover said…
Ouch! Broken bones can definitely destroy confidence and with good cause. As my grandmother used to say, “It looks pretty on Christmas cards.”

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