

(Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay)

I was somewhat tickled to log into this blog tonight and realise that my last entry was titled Exhaustion. Seriously? I don't think I knew the meaning of the word when I made that post. I do now.

The easing of the coronavirus restrictions and return of the eldest from New Zealand, meant that the Bank Holiday weekend was a suitable opportunity for a family reunion. With the eldest and the youngest both joining us, we realised that it was the first time (because of their respective foreign sojourns)  that we had all been together at home since Christmas 2016. They both brought their partners to the get-together and suddenly our household of 2 became 6.

Like the weather, it was wonderful but so tiring. There's something about lolling around in the heat, eating, drinking and chatting constantly that is quite exhausting. Keeping the fridge stocked with provisions for hearty appetites is an effort in itself not to mention preparing the house for their arrival.

They left gradually over the course of the last week until finally we waved goodbye to the eldest and his fiancĂ©e yesterday evening. It was lovely to see them, sad to see them go but a joy to wake this morning, after recovering with a longer sleep than usual, and feel that retirement normality had been restored. 

Whilst I certainly wouldn't want to advocate a slothful retirement there's much to be said for  interludes of peace and quiet, although I do agree that a 4 and a half year break is probably excessive.

Anyway there is no rest going forward because not only is there the bedding and towels to launder but also I return to the gym tomorrow for the first time since March 2020. There's every chance, therefore, that my next blog entry will simply be called Comatose, especially as I've optimistically booked myself into 2 classes at either side of an anticipated work-out and swim. However, and whilst my core strength might lack a certain potency, after the past 10 days I am at least assured that my vocal cords are primed and ready to converse.





Jean said…
Visitors, lovely to have them but lovely to have the house your own again!
Caree Risover said…
You know the feeling!
Marksgran said…
Nice to see you back! It's very tiring having people to stay. Sounds like you're ready to hit the get fit track - good luck and I hope your body copes ok! lol x
Caree Risover said…
Thank you. I am about to set off and the trepidation is building..
Mona McGinnis said…
Friends often comment that no visitors should stay longer than one roll of toilet paper!! Your fatigue is likely testimony to the effort and energy you invest in being a good host. Certainly the emotion of reuniting with your family takes an emotional toll as well.
Caree Risover said…
Now that’s a test I could run with. Not sure how my visitors would react though!
Treaders said…
I'm glad you had a wonderful time with your family, but yes it is tiring isn't it. Can't wait to hear how you get on at the gym. Ours opened back up today so next week I hit the floor running (or plodding I suspect)!
Caree Risover said…
Back from the gym, I feel energised < hand over mouth yawning, as she says that >
Jeanette Lewis said…
Your post captures my feelings whenever our son, daughter-in-law, and our two grandchildren visit for a weekend at the cottage. It's lovely to have everyone together, but equally lovely when we resume our 'couple' quiet pace after they leave.
Caree Risover said…
Yes, another couple of days and I imagine sorting dates for the next visit.
Jennyff said…
I too find sitting outside relaxing completely exhausting, by the time we eaten breakfast on the terrace and chatted for a while I can hardly find the energy to wash up. They say the more you do the more you can do, I’ll leave you to test that with your gym session etc, let us know if it energises you.
Caree Risover said…
Let’s just say I’m sleeping even longer now!

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