
Prior to retirement in general terms our plans were:
1. Like most other retirees, to travel and see the world
2. For me to undertake an interior design course
3. To complete a circumnavigation of the British Isles
4. To continue to volunteer, at that point as a school governor and almshouse trustee
5. To spend more time as a couple and also with family
6. To investigate still further our family tree, visiting many of the places inhabited by our ancestors
7. To remain physically active and seek to improve fitness levels by swimming, walking and in the gym
8. To declutter and give our home a complete make-over
9. To finally embark on some of the design/landscape projects we have in mind for the garden
10. To keep our minds active and potentially learn more foreign languages to assist on our travels
11. To enjoy the arts: reading more, visiting the latest art gallery and museum exhibitions and taking in the cinema and theatre
12. To actively seek out the opportunity for "adventures"
13. To see friends more often, making up for years of neglect and as they retire too, maybe even becoming "ladies who lunch"
14. To make time for writing, especially my blogs
15. To have occasions when we shall simply revel in doing nothing at all or enjoying the very simple pleasures of life, like watching the birds on the garden feeders or admiring the flowers in the borders

By 2017 my New Year's Resolutions or lifestyle goals were:
1. Make someone smile every day
2. Ensure I have a good daily laugh too
3. Stand up for what I believe in and endeavour to engage others to fight the cause
4. Use less, live simply and shop locally wherever possible
5. Think globally and be aware of the impact of my footprints on the planet and the suffering of all those in war zones or denied the liberties that I enjoy, doing what I can to raise awareness and improve outcomes.
Then contentment set in along with living in the moment. COVID arrived and plans made to travel were abandoned. Events forced me to re-evaluate my life where family are its most important aspect followed by good health, optimism and simplicity.
After 2 long years it felt as though the world woke up again in 2022 and whilst not looking to entirely abandon earlier longterm plans or lifestyle goals,  immediate priorities going forward are:
Family, health and well-being, creativity and travel.

In January 2024, I evaluated my progress against my initial plans and was pleasantly surprised at how retirement has shaped up.


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