Photo Shoot


With the dreadful spread of the virus and the constant reminders on the news and social media as to how overwhelmed the NHS is finding itself, it inevitably preys on your mind. Just to be extra careful, we've upped our home deliveries and so avoided the local High Street now since before Christmas. A fairly pointless boycott I acknowledge, when I had to attend a six monthly outpatient's appointment at the local hospital on Tuesday; is there another place closer to a source of infection?

Anyway with that in mind, heeding the regulatory restrictions on movement and in light of the weather that seems to have alternated so far this year between cold and very cold, with frost, snow or rain, I've found myself staying close to home. I have ventured out to walk through the village on a couple of occasions but have ended up slipping and sliding. Is it an age thing? For, suddenly, I've become concerned about falling and being rushed back to that hospital with a broken limb.

Today was absolutely beautiful; sunshine, blue sky and a sprinkling of crisp white snow on the ground. Unfortunately the snow had adhered itself to a veneer of black ice and,  despite the tread on my boots, there was still ample opportunity for a tumble.

I decided to eliminate the risk by sticking to the garden with my camera. Sometimes I really must plan these things better for when I went to use it, the battery was flat. Disappointed was hardly the word for it, but Mister E hunted out his pocket version and I enjoyed my time outside until finally the fingers decided that minus 3 degrees wasn't really their temperature and refused to move until I returned indoors. 

Once thawed out, I uploaded the pictures and even had a play with the Paint 3D editing programme that came on my computer but I've never got to grips with, mainly because I've never identified a use for it. Of course, it does help to open it up. Albeit this was my first attempt, I had no idea how it worked and inevitably got totally frustrated, but ultimately was quite pleased with some of my effort. Mind I still haven't identified a real purpose for it other than to share the end product with you, below.

Old hands, a new programme, a borrowed camera and a blue sky.  I could have been at a wedding.


Jennyff said…
Beautiful pictures. Makes me realise when I see the frozen ground and remember walking like a fool on the ice that this incessant Italian rain is not so bad after all, it’s just very damp here. It is hard to feel positive about anything at present, things probably will get worse before they get better but they will get better and once January drags itself away maybe we can start to hope.
Caree Risover said…
The days are now getting noticeably lighter for longer which is always a positive and my pan of milk didn’t boil over whilst I was replying to your comment, so a double contribution to lifting the mood perhaps! It is a struggle at times though, isn’t it?
Treaders said…
Love those photos. I bought myself a really expensive camera years ago when my husband left and have hardly used it (it's heavy). I must get it out and have a play around. And I'm with you on the slipping and sliding bit. On Tuesday my car has to have the French equivalent of its MOT and right next door is a sports shop so I'm going to look for some "Yaktrax", which are basically snow chains for your boots! Worth a try because it's quite scary trying to go out walking when snow is on the ground.
Caree Risover said…
Yes, shooting garden close-ups with my own camera requires a telephoto lens which adds even more to both the weight and bulk. Also, you’ve just reminded me that somewhere I do have a set of something to fasten onto my boots for the snow but they only ever turn up in the summer when I put them in a safe place in readiness!

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