Christmas Calm after the Chaos
There were memories of pre-retirement days this week when I suddenly woke up to the realisation that Christmas was fast creeping up on us and there was rather a lot of mundane stuff to get through in readiness for our various visitors. I am pleased to report, however, that there must be something about years of working to court timetables, because everything has pretty much slotted into place: the study is decorated and refurbished; the menus are planned and ingredients purchased; the house has finally been cleaned; the beds are made and finally, this evening, the tree has been decorated. I confess that 8pm on Christmas Eve might have been the latest ever in the history of the Risover household for the adornment of the tree but it is now done and all to the tune of Jingle Bells and Let it Snow.
It took until Monday to feel anything like normal again after being knocked out for what feels like most of December. However, I am pleased to report that I returned to Pilates and Yoga this week, stretching out all those stiffening joints after their period of disuse. We are also dog-sitting for the festive period, giving lie to the slogan that "a dog is for life not just for Christmas," as she is definitely going back in early January.
She may look cute and be great company, but boy can she be demanding. Fortunately, however, she appears to have an aversion to walking in the rain, so life is not all bad and, when it is fair, she even provides an excuse for walking down roads I would not normally tread and talking to all those people I invariably only wave to as I pass by in a car. It is often said that dog owners are less stressed and have better social lives than those without a four legged friend and a dog basket. I am beginning to understand why.