A Distraction for a Wet Afternoon

So how do you distract yourself on a wet and cool June day when, upon returning from the gym, you decide it's too unpleasant to step out further? How about donning a fleece to combat the temperature and then watching England and Wales battle it out on a football field in France, all from the comfort of your living room?

Now I'm not  a great fan of international football, at least not when it gives rise to populist nationalism. However, after (to quote the Archbishop of Canterbury) "the inexcusable pandering to worries and prejudices that is giving legitimisation to racism" in the current referendum campaign, the football stadiums of Euro 2016 surely provide an ideal opportunity to demonstrate camaraderie between European nations both on and off the pitch. It's a shame therefore that there are some who are so vocal with their abuse and anti European sentiment. 

The thugs waving England flags and behaving like hooligans on foreign soil demonstrate exactly what bigotry and hatred leads to when unleashed, whilst narrowmindedness is not, as we are now witnessing in the UK, confined to those in replica football strips.

So, having got that off my chest, can I just add that I did feel sorry for all those footie supporters from England and Wales who aren't retired and couldn't take a day's holiday to watch the game which I thoroughly enjoyed; they missed a treat.



Jane said…
I love a rainy day as it allows me to stay inside where I can read, bake, watch movies or otherwise veg without guilt. We don't seem to have very many so I cherish them when they occur. If the sun is out then so am I.
Caree Risover said…
Perhaps we are all weather vanes at heart

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