The Great Big Fall Out

I was hoping not to blog about the aftermath of the referendum again but after a long journey to and from Scotland today I felt I had to. The Scottish journey (a swift reconnoitre to explore options in the event of a second independence referendum?) is probably irrelevant, save that it meant a lot of time was spent listening to the radio when I could hardly believe what I was hearing about recent hate crime, the recriminations and party games being played out at Westminster and now, of course, the young people of London have marched to the Houses of Parliament to show the strength of their upset.

I can't say that the EU is something I feel any more passionate about than Jeremy Corbyn allegedly does. It's been around now so long, it's just a comfortable pair of carpet slippers and imagine having a referendum over those. Like most people I know, however, I could see that to try to unpick a system that we have lived by, built on and fully integrated into our business life and economy for over 40 years, could only bring volatility and upset. I didn't fall for Project Fear and am sure that given time and good Government which sadly we are currently lacking, things will calm down although it seems inevitable that the economy will shrink and there will be further austerity measures, but for how long, of course, nobody can say. 

My main concern in voting Remain was to try to counter the hatred and racism that I could see an Out vote unleashing and to prevent a take over of the elected Government by its extreme right. Unfortunately 51.9% of the electorate were against me and because nobody thought to require a two thirds majority or whatever level would have been appropriate to alter the status quo we are where we are. Just imagine if every  local club, partnership, company board and organisation voted for major decisions on such a basis, there would be complete chaos and fall outs every time an important issue had to be decided upon.

Being on the wrong side of an election outcome is nothing new and I am resigned to it. I have lived in one of the strongest Conservative held seats in the country for over thirty years, so as somebody who never votes Tory feel pretty much disenfranchised anyway. 

What does concern me though is not only the apparent absence of leadership (we should have a new Prime Minister by a date in September, three months away with the country already in melt down), but also the escalating hate crime. For instance who would believe, if it hadn't been videoed, that grown men in Manchester would feel that they could legitimately abuse an American who has lived here for 18 years on a public tram, because he is a foreigner. 

In the meantime and because statistics released show that the younger the voter (yes I bucked the trend) the more likely they are to have voted Remain, I now find Social Media full of older adults, who really should know better, calling those young people scum, wasters and other terms that I would prefer not to repeat. The posts are usually against photographs of the Great War suggesting that in some way the youth of today don't understand the hard realities of life and sacrifices that have been made for them. When the  Treaty of Rome was signed back in 1957 it was, of course, intended as a way to rebuild Europe and ensure that nations with long histories of strife between them would trade rather than fight and in which respect it has been an overwhelming success. What is wrong therefore with anyone, especially the young, wanting to remain in such an organisation which, when I think of it, is now beginning to sound much better than those old worn slippers?

With an outcome so close and of such consequence, those who feel sore at losing have full right to give voice to their frustrations especially when they believe that the result was affected by deliberate lies and propaganda. Yes the nation now needs to unite but in a way where, so far as possible, everyone can be acknowledged. Boris Johnson tried to start the process with his letter in the Telegraph yesterday but, as usual is living in dreamland. It was however a recognition of what is needed, in trying to reach out to everyone (albeit conveniently forgetting promises he had made along the way). 48.1% of the electorate cannot and will not be ignored, especially if they are young and passionate. The UK did not vote to eject foreigners from our soil. 51.9%, however, voted to leave the EU. We are all affected, feeling helpless and hurting in some way. A strong leader is needed to sort out the aftermath and in the meantime we all need to behave like adults and do everything we can to prevent hostility and division.


Tracy Altieri said…
My heavens, what a time and world we live in. The escalating hate crimes that you see are mirrored by what is happening here in the States. While I have to believe that Trump won't win, it seems as though we both might contemplate moves north! All we can do is hang in there.
Caree Risover said…
On the plus side, the charismatic buffoon of a politician who, in his own self interest, led the UK into its current situation is not going to be Prime Minister so we are all hoping that we do get somebody sensible. Unfortunately democracy having got us into this mess, it seems the people are to be denied an election to determine their leadership. There's nothing so strange as politics at the present time and let's just hope the outcome in the States is such that you don't really have to move North.
Stephanie Jane said…
It's scary times and I am starting to feel as though this isn't really my country any more. Do these xenophobic muppets not realise how much of our economy relies on tourism? And how many of our essential jobs are done by 'foreigners' because so many Brits think they are above doing dirty manual work and wouldn't take the employment anyway? Fortunately my OH's Mum was Scottish so if it gets too bad here and the UK splits, they might let us in there!
Caree Risover said…
Sadly it appears to be generations since our family had any foreign connections so, short of moving to Scotland before it pulls up the drawbridge (and we're not so sure about the weather), we're probably scuppered, although I have read that after living for a year in Cyprus you can apply for citizenship there!
Debra Journet said…
Having lived long enough to have seen some pretty extraordinary political mistakes and self inflicted wounds (Nixon, Reagan, Bush; Vietnam, Iraq) but I never could have imagined Donald Trump and his xenophobic, racist,and mysogynistic hatred. It is terrible to see this hatred in countries that have historically ( thoug of course not always) stood for such different ideals.
Caree Risover said…
Trouble is whilst you can't necessarily rely on democracy to do what's right, the other options are always worse

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