The Woman Who Lived in a Cupboard

Were I to write my autobiography  based on the last two weeks I doubt if there could be a more fitting title than "The Woman Who Lived in a Cupboard." Yesterday, after all the practice at home, I volunteered to help Save the Children by tidying up a walk-in cupboard. Moreover, I went back today to finish the job.

Obviously this action in itself didn't save many (I mean any) children but it does mean that the lovely volunteers at their local Charity Shop can now get into the cupboard to store day to day items ready to fill empty spaces on shelves and hopefully raise significant sums to help support the Charity's work.

Never did I envisage that, of all the skills I may be able to develop in retirement, an ability to move boxes and stack shelves, producing order out of chaos, would be one of the most useful. 

It's supposed to be a life of creativity and adventure that I'm seeking, albeit without the clutter. However, after spending so much time inside cupboards, I am now thinking about taking root inside one. It could, with the unleashing of the desire for creativity, prove a wonderful ambience for writing that book; once I've cleared the cupboard out of course!


Tracy Altieri said…
I learned a new completely new skill this week. I have said many times that I should not be let near a garbage disposal. I have clogged many over the years, and I did it again the other day. While my husband has never been angry about these clogs, he is usually not too happy about having to deal with them. I was determined that he was not going to returned home to another sink filled with water and a disposal to unclog. I watched a couple of YouTube videos, crawled under the sink, and did it myself! Of course, I've patted my self on the back ever since.

Keep up your good work Caree!
Caree Risover said…
Wow, you certainly know how to impress. Garbage disposal units are a giant step up from walk-in cupboards.

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