Snow On and Snow Forth

Is there anyone who doesn't feel a tiny tinge of excitement with the first snowfall of winter? I confess I never checked the forecast before I went out this morning and whilst I was conscious that it was a very chilly 0.5 degrees (necessitating a last minute hunt for my gloves), I didn't give it much more thought other than to drive slowly down the frozen lane out of the village.

Emerging from my fitness classes, rumours had already spread that it was snowing outside and whilst, at that stage, it was hardly sufficient to call it a Winter Wonderland the white stuff was certainly falling from the sky.

Of course snow on top of ice did make for a trickier drive home, especially when both a horse and rider plus a 4x4 converged on me at the same point. However, I got home safely and entered the house to the wonderful smell of a stew being cooked by Mister E. It immediately crossed my mind as to whether we had sufficent provisions in the event of a heavy and prolonged storm, something that rarely happens at only 60 feet above sea level, but you never know.
I think the birds in the garden must have had the same thought because they were certainly provisioning up. 


 Moreover, when I thought about snuggling up under a woollen blanket, my attention was drawn to our resident hare who suddenly decided to make an appearance. Poor thing, he just lay down and curled up in it. He didn't even bother to move when there was a brief respite and the feeding frenzy by the birds became ever competitive. I guess he knew it was going to snow again and on days like this it's best to stay put if you can. 

Yes snow is great fun to watch, it's having to go out in it that is the problem. I just hope that I never grow so grumpy that the initial snowflake of the season fails to provoke a thrill.


Tracy Altieri said…
I love first snowfalls. Even though we head south for the winter (in just a few weeks now), I do love a winter wonderland. Of course, being by the fire and looking at it out of my window is my favorite way to enjoy it!
Jane said…
NOT having to go "out into it" is one of the many joys of retirement! I keep an emergency supply of soup-making and stew-making supplies in my pantry so I really DON'T have to go out into it. Nothing better than curling up on the sofa with a couple of cats, a hot mug of tea and a good book. Something I don't usually do in the warmer months. We've been told we're to expect a more classic Canadian winter this year but so far no sign of any snow coming our way. I had to drive to another town yesterday for a funeral and the golf course along the way was doing a brisk business!
Just sign me "praying for snow"!
Caree Risover said…
Yes, we've been told to brace ourselves for a long cold winter but these days that seems so unlikely for most of the UK that we'll believe it when we see it.
Debra Journet said…
We got a tiny spray of snow today which makes quite a change from the 50s weather we had last week. My sister is at Disney World in Florida with her two little granddaughters and it's snowing thetr!
Caree Risover said…
Had a doubletake with your reference to 50 degrees and then realised it's farenheit!

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