No Magic Money Tree

In the drop down menu for this blog there is a subject index revealing the list of topics that I have covered over what is now almost 5 years. The index is so much part of the furniture that I rarely look at it. Today, when I did, I was surprised to see that money, surely one of the most important features of any person's retirement, has hardly featured. Now I know that I am solely responsible for this blog's content but I am intrigued as to the reason for its apparent exclusion. Just as in every other period of life, there is no such thing as a magic money tree in retirement. Consequently we do trot along to see a financial adviser when asked and even allow ourselves to discuss inflation and interest rates occasionally, but no it is not something I have blogged about. Is that because it's a boring subject? Probably not, going on the number of blogs out there proffering financial advice for retirement. Instead I can only attribute it to a feat of growi...