Day 3


It was my third morning back at the gym today. Apart from forgetting my trainer shoes (again!), I confess to being modestly proud to have survived unscathed. So far there are no screaming muscles, my joints aren't stiff and I'm ready to do it all again tomorrow (trainer shoes packed in readiness).

Conscious of  fast approaching the era for physical decline, yesterday I found my attention online diverted to a somewhat old study on the benefit of being able to sit down onto the floor and then stand up again without using your hands. I surprised myself by being able to do this relatively comfortably. That's just as well, because the study from more than a decade ago suggests that failure gave a seven times greater likelihood of dying within six years.

On the one hand that could suggest that this blog might be around for a while yet. On the other, and on the basis that I'm pretty sure I probably couldn't do that in the early days of retirement not to mention during that period of time I'll call Desk Life, I might potentially already be living on borrowed time!

Reincarnation aside, I have to be living evidence of the ability to improve strength and fitness whatever your condition. It just helps to remember your shoes.

Image by Alexa from Pixabay


Treaders said…
Well done you on improving your fitness (and for remembering your shoes)! How often do you go to the gym? I do pilates and yoga once a week and am debating joining a gym (again) for the weights, but I'm still not sure I would go often enough. Add to that that when it gets hot I don't do anything at all, so it might be worth just paying as I go!
Caree Risover said…
I generally go 4 times a week (2 classes a visit) but in my case it’s always to pre-booked classes, otherwise I’d inevitably find something else to do and never get there! Also I’m not a great fan of the gym itself but 2 or 3 classes are generally supervised sessions with the equipment and the remainder, in a separate studio, are currently a mix of aerobics, strength and conditioning, Yoga and Pilates. Of course we have a great coffee bar plus pool and spa area, so always plenty of opportunity for socialising too, not that I really need an incentive, but it helps!!

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