New Year, Same Old


You will recall that back in November I was moaning as to our lack of confidence in the contractors appointed by the insurance company to remediate our home. A meeting took place and their strategy for reinstatement was amended to our satisfaction although we have been well aware of the need to monitor carefully.

Thank goodness we have been on the ball. Concrete slab stage was reached shortly before Christmas and last week a team was deployed to construct the underfloor trunking for the water pipes. Although our ability to inspect the latest work was delayed because of the weather, Mister E and I called in to check yesterday. 

Honestly, you would struggle to make this stuff up, but somewhere along the way they had decided to insert vast amounts of unnnecessary trunking where no water pipes are to be nor indeed have ever been. Then, they had totally overlooked the need to install pipes to connect to one of the radiators. I gladly left Mister E to deal with the Project Manager over this one.

On my part, I had found a greater issue! We were aware that a portaloo provided for the workforce had been removed just before Christmas after the concreting had been completed. What we were not aware of was, despite the fact that there is presently no running water within our home (hence the need for trunking to reinstall pipes), one or more had assumed it was in order to enter into that part of  our home that has been cordoned off, climb the carpeted stairs in dirty boots and use the bedroom ensuite facilities! With no flushing water supply, the mess was, shall we say, stagnant.

Needless to say Loss Adjuster, Company Director and Project Manager have been at the receiving end of my wrath although once again no apologies have been received. I've never considered myself old fashioned but I do expect good manners and if the two go hand in hand these days then so be it. A show of contrition when they are clearly in the wrong wouldn't go amiss either. 

Do they think we are so elderly, meek, mild and beholden to them that we won't dare say anything? Alternatively, do they believe that retirement equates to being geriatric and not having a clue what's going on? A little while ago a former colleague counselled me as to the wisdom of getting nasty if we weren't ready to sue. Believe me I've been very assertive but ducks' backs and water spring to mind. I guess genuine incompetence has neither awareness nor embarrassment; my ambition is to change that.


Treaders said…
Oh my word, that is absolutely horrible! I suppose at a push you could understanding their believing that the toilet was plumbed in, but to walk upstairs with dirty boots shows a total lack of respect. Mind you, many years ago, when we were looking to redo our bathrooms we were in a showroom and the saleswoman explained that one time a little kid had run over to do a poo in one of their demonstration models!!!! I suspect it wouldn't be the last time either. I'm sorry you're going through this but as I'm up to my eyeballs with electricians and decorators (after my fire) and a still uncomplete second bathroom, I do sympathize!
Jean said…
The unpleasant and inconsiderate habits of workmen never cease to amaze me. Would they do this in their own home i.e. ruin the stair carpet and use a non flushing loo? I suppose that in some cases they probably would and you can only imagine what state their homes are in!
Even builders that were actual family employed by us have done unforgivable things in the past. It doesn’t matter how well you think you know and can trust these people there’s no substitute for keeping a close eye on what’s going on.
Bon courage!
Caree Risover said…
Treaders, they couldn’t even excuse themselves on the basis of ignorance when they were the same crew who cut and removed the water piping!
Caree Risover said…
Jean, Mister E and I actually speculated on how they must behave in their own homes. Although the bathroom incident is the worst example so far, they really are one of the dirtiest workforces I’ve come across - constantly littering around the house and garden, especially in all those holes they’ve been digging.
Marksgran said…
This sounds dreadful. I hope you have lots of photographic evidence to show the insurance company! I'm so glad we've never needed to employ many workmen for our house as there isn't much hubby can't do, however I realise this job you're getting done is a biggie and you have less control than if you'd employed them yourselves. But, just in case things don't work properly once they 'finish' I'd be sure to get photos of any work they do!! Would it be possible to employ a professional to oversee their work? Good luck anyway. x
Caree Risover said…
Wise advice indeed, Marksgran, and not only have we been taking photos but we have also been documenting everything. Unfortunately they can’t work under the instruction of a project manager appointed by ourselves but we have taken professional advice to enable us to check what they are doing and have also been able to insist on the involvement of the Building Inspector.
Jennyff said…
We had a friend who said fighting your case is like throwing mud at a wall, some of it will stick. Your contractors seem exceptionally obnoxious, they could at least have sourced water to flush the toilet with a bucket. Keep going, you have every right to stand up for yourselves and monitor the work to avoid future problems.
Caree Risover said…
Thanks Jennyff, we are trying but it’s getting so tiresome and makes what is a stressful situation even worse. I do like your friend’s analogy though.

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