End of the Sales

So the January Sales are now well and truly over and the clothes stores appear to be stocking up with Spring outfits. Well Yours Truly almost resisted temptation and her usual quick shopping spree to stock up on blouses for the office and a practical suit for work never materialised.

Ever the pragmatist though, I did buy some half-price trousers for travelling in; you know the type: built in UV protection; shower proof; lightweight for warmer climes; mosquito repelling. Yes, of course they’ll come in handy!

Help! It’s going to take longer than a few months of planning retirement to ignore sales pitches and marketing ploys.


Carol Cassara said…
the only way I do it is to stay out of malls. Oh, and do not open any emails from One Kings Lane! ;-)
Emerging senior said…
Look forward to following your retirement preparations
Emerging senior said…
Look forward to reading about your retirement preparations
Caree Risover said…
Thanks for the tip Carol - as you imply though it is hard when you are bombarded, even at home or on your smartphone.
Likewise emerging senior - I feel we are hatching in tandem!

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