Read On Get On

Anyone who follows my Twitter account (yes I do have some followers) will know that I have been doing my best to promote Save the Children's latest campaign linked to ReadOnGetOn and its petition for investment in early years' education. Children from this country's poorest areas can be 15 months behind their better-off peers at only 5 years old. Young children's brains are like sponges ready to absorb the information around them which is why nurseries can do so well in preparing children for school and for learning to read. To this end Save the Children wants the government to ensure that there is a qualified early years teacher in every nursery by 2020. 

Today my participation culminated in a children's storytelling event with free books and balloons whilst asking parents to consider signing the petition. I'm pleased to say that support was overwhelming and I chatted to so many nice people that I actually forgot that I had been on my feet for 4 hours. 

One of the many great things about retirement though is the ability to wear comfortable shoes whatever the occasion. Forget those office stilettos, my flat heeled ankle boots were just the job. A successful day, at more than one level!


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