Family Intrigue and Promotion


Dilly's Mum has just had her first book, The Secret of Elephants, published. It was released yesterday and I completed reading it earlier this evening. Now I am not one to include book reviews in my blog but on this occasion, let me just say that the intrigue of the plot held my attention sufficiently that I was compelled to read it from start to finish as quickly as possible, allowing only for my other commitments. The story gives an insight into a multi-generational family divided between India and Zimbabwe but united by their joint heritage. Whilst we are given a true flavour of Indian culture it is tinged too with the impact of global westernisation and for the reader a subtle insight that humankind whether it be in Asia, Africa or Europe shares so much in common. 

I know that the author is in the process of completing her second novel and also that to do so has required hardwork, time and diligence in order to meet deadlines set by her publisher. All that whilst still performing a day job too.

I continue to harbour a desire to complete my own book; progress without an editor's whip, however, seems seriously lacking. The ideas are there, the story planned and the first chapter typed almost two years ago, but headway varies from slow to non-existent. Retirement should provide the time but clearly the motivation is failing. There is no stick and no carrot. Is blogging the limit for my creative juices or do I simply lack focus and drive? 

Back in June when I was reviewing the 8th anniversary of my retirement I did say that I'd been feeling overwhelmed by all that I had taken on. I was determined to find a perfect state of happiness and fulfilment without overstretching myself. Perhaps that means I embrace a destiny where I simply float along, live in the moment and leave that unfinished novel for somebody else to write? Alternatively I could give myself a good talking to, attack my To Do List and instigate some discipline to my current idyll.


Anonymous said…
Your final paragraph rings bells with me (10th retirement anniversary was 30.04.22). That anniversary drove me to re-assess, review, withdraw from some things which had ramen over my time, and re-focus on those things which I wish to do and would prefer to be remembered for! Mary.
Caree Risover said…
Thank you for that Mary. Fingers crossed that I’ll have worked out where the focus is to be in time for my 10th anniversary.
Christie Hawkes said…
Thank you, Caree, for the book suggestion. It sounds like one I would enjoy. I can relate to your comments about writing your own book. I actually did complete the initial draft of a novel based on my mother's life. I had the motivation to finish it while she was alive, so she could read it. I accomplished that goal. I told myself I would begin the editing process once I retired. Well, I'm retired, and I haven't yet opened the file. I do intend to this week though. Wish me luck! And good luck to you as well!
Caree Risover said…
Wow, a completed manuscript - excellent and yes good luck for the next stage. I’m at the point of thinking I’ll save restarting various projects until the autumn. Mañana or a plan? - I can’t answer that!
Jean said…
It's now nine years since I retired and I can truthfully say that I don't know how I ever found the time to go to work! I was going to take up painting and finish my collection of half knitted jumpers but it never happened!
I might finally get around to sorting my sock drawer a bit of reading.........and the novel looks very interesting!
Caree Risover said…
Oh dear, you’ve just reminded me of some other half-started projects in wool and paint!
Treaders said…
Judging by the other comments, we ALL have fabulous intentions for retirement don't we, so hats off to those that actually get stuff done. To be fair though, I think I would have stood a better chance of actually achieving something when I was working full-time with the commute from hell and two kids at home. It seems (for me at least) that once the momentum is lost I'm buggered!
Caree Risover said…
Yep, if you want something doing, ask a busy person. At least I’ve now found the perfect epitaph: She lived a life half finished!

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