Happy Feet Again

The first couple of weeks of January have been as busy as ever. There have been: a new laptop for the Parish Council to set up (why do these things take so long?); exercise classes to endure or enjoy depending on my daily fitness aptitude and the level of the group; more DIY at the rental property; a new Future Learn course; lunches out and time spent chatting (rather a lot) with family and friends.

Yesterday I was back in volunteering mode, covering not one but two shifts at Save the Children's local high street shop. Well it was short of staff, I had a diary that could be easily altered, so why not? After all seven hours is nothing compared to the daily grind, week after week, month after month, decade after decade that goes with full-time work; at least that is what I thought. 

So, I dressed appropriately in several layers and my comfortable ankle boots to ward off the chills from the open shop door and set off with enthusiasm, ready to meet and greet; sort and stack; clean and steam. Except what I hadn't realised is that, like everything I have been learning to do in retirement, working a whole day takes practice. It may have been less than three years since I last did it, but, not only am I out of practice, those comfortable boots are quite simply excruciatingly painful after just four hours. The heel on them is only an inch high, they have supportive insoles and although I regularly wore them day after day in the office,  I confess that they have hardly donned my feet since. Anyway I kid you not, I felt ninety when we locked the shop at 4.30pm and I left to hobble down the street to my car.

Obviously I ought to have realised that whilst ladies wear all heights of footwear in the office, the reason I now go to Pilates classes three times a week is to try to reclaim the proper alignment of my musculoskeletal system after more than thirty-five years of ill-treatment in the work place. In retirement I take a full hour over lunch, I enjoy a mixture of sitting and standing throughout the day and I generally wear flat, supportive shoes, slipping into heels (even low ones) only for special occasions and where standing is restricted to just short periods at a time. 

Last night, my poor old feet were tended over with a warm bath and copious amounts of foot balm. It was a stark reminder that whilst I may have been able to neglect both them and the rest of my body during my working years, they deserve much better in retirement. I suppose that I have finally learnt that whilst my feet may not be the prettiest, they are the only pair I am ever going to have and ought not, therefore, to be abused. I have now promised them that going forward, and however difficult they are, they will get the love and care that they demand.


Jane said…
Our feet do take a beating don't they? While teaching I was up and down from my desk a hundred times a day so they never got too tired no matter what I was wearing on my feet. But these days, having taken up long distance walking, I have become excruciatingly aware of just how precious my feet are!
Caree Risover said…
Yesterday was pay back time from a couple of monsters with no regard at all for the indulgences showered on them, especially since I retired. However, I now know that I just have to keep indulging them. As you say they are just too precious.
Maddy said…
The boots do look comfortable Carrie but perhaps all day on your feet is not what you need!
How good is that pampering you give your feet when they complain though?
Tracy Altieri said…
I'm afraid that heels and I never got along, so slipping into retirement footwear was not a challenge! I did mull over however, the best footwear for the march in Washington from this past weekend. January could have been brutal, but was mild with no snow, so my comfy sneakers fit the bill. I must say though, that I saw all kind of shoes, including heels!
Debra Journet said…
I used to love wearing heels. I'm short and they made me feel more confident. But now I am comfort all the way. As I was assembling for Europe, I realized my one year old (expensive) walking shoes had a big tear. Now I am trying our two new pairs of shoes hoping to decide on the right ones for major walking.
Caree Risover said…
Oh, I do hope that you choose wisely. When faced with that dilemma I've found it too easy to pack the wrong pair. Enjoy your trip.
Caree Risover said…
Yes, I'd have gone with the sneakers too, although sometimes I even find myself wearing hiking boots in urban situations. Oh and good for you for marching.
Caree Risover said…
Good? It was brilliant! Truth is I don't pamper them enough.
Debra Journet said…
I hate traveling with new shoes. I decided to take both pairs and will hope at least one pair will work out.
Tanvi said…
Hi Caree,

My name is Anuj Agarwal. I'm Founder of Feedspot.

I would like to personally congratulate you as your blog A Retirement Blog by Caree Risover has been selected by our panelist as one of the Top 100 Retirement Blogs on the web.


I personally give you a high-five and want to thank you for your contribution to this world. This is the most comprehensive list of Top 100 Retirement Blogs on the internet and I’m honored to have you as part of this!

Also, you have the honor of displaying the badge on your blog.


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