I Marched Because...

On Saturday I joined the march through London demanding a people's vote on the terms of exiting the E.U. It was the biggest protest since the march against the Iraq War back in 2003 and which, of course, failed to alter Government policy.

I therefore walked on Saturday knowing that shuffling en masse through the streets of the capital is unlikely of itself to change political direction and that even if it were to, a second referendum is no guarantee for resolving the current chaos.

So why you may well ask, with a blister on my toe and exhausted from a week of walking around walled towns in the Adriatic (of which more, in my next blog entry), did I make the effort to attend?

The answer is simple: anger! Yes I am irate in circumstances where I can never previously recall such an ineffective collection of Parliamentarians in key posts across all parties. The country has been dragged into a long running internal debate within the Conservative Party where extreme right wing ideology with its Project Fantasy has conned an electorate that has suffered for so long from the policies of austerity and the neglect of successive London-centric governments. Inequality, homelessness, racism, hatred and public service cuts stare us in the face daily and yet the Government appears to sit in a state of inertia as a consequence of internal disputes, unable to achieve anything, least of all a resolution to the dreadful Brexit shambles which by all accounts is only going to make things worse. Labour is proving itself inept in opposition (how much worse might it be in government?) and how we are ever going to be dragged out of the morass is beyond me.

Fellow marchers were well behaved, polite and genuine in their concern for the future of our country. However, as commentators have pointed out there was an overwhelming Middle-England demographic and any attempt to overturn the 2016 result will never be achieved without first winning over those who feel excluded from the perceived elitism of  those on that march. The insoluble conundrum however is that the politicians who proffered Project Fantasy two years ago now issue caveats that it may take the country 50 years to recover. In seeking to press for an extreme Brexit they are hardly doing it to create a Utopia for the people when the country is inevitably going to be poorer. Throw in alleged Russian interference, potentially dirty money, inflated egos and ambitions plus a Vote Leave campaign overspend and is it any wonder that my blood begins to boil?

I don't know where all of this is going to end but three hours ambling along London streets in the sunshine on Saturday actually felt cathartic.


Doug said…
Well said.

In my view we should never have had a referendum in the first place; this is what we elect our Government to pick through, debate and for the Lords to bring the scrutiny and challenge. Wasn’t it simply Cameron appeasing Tory UKIP supporters?

While I was disappointed at the result, initially I thought Brexit should just proceed as per democratic process. Perhaps like many other folk I have changed my mind as the Brexiteers had no real understanding of what they were voting for.

At the very least I think Parliament should decide, or ultimately even the monarch. Certainly the final deal needs careful scrutiny from every possible angle. As for another referendum, well there’s a strong case but can you honestly expect the public to fully understand the issues and make an informed choice? While I like the idea of another referendum, I’m still not sure the people would do the right thing.
Caree Risover said…
I quite simply have no idea how we are going to get out of this mess. I had assumed when the result was announced ( not least because of the clear division across the country ) that we would be looking for an EEA arrangement, but the debate and rancour within Tory ranks has intensified and nobody quite understands what the Opposition’s position is. Like you I have no confidence in referenda, especially on complex issues with a simple majority outcome, but I’m now at a point where my confidence in the Parliamentary process has been diminished too. Guess I’m going to remain angry for a good time yet
Tracy Altieri said…
Good for you!

I am a marcher from way back. These days inparticular in the US, lies are spouted daily, racism is rampant, misogyny has become mainstream. I take to the street in an effort to take back my life and the life of my country. I know that we are not alone in our concerns for what is happening in the world. Marching helps me to not feel powerless.
Doug said…
I know talking US politics might be off topic here, but I do agree with you.

Many people here in the UK are shocked at Trump and his aggressive approach. By contrast Obama seemed such a moderate, thoughtful, sincere and well intentioned man.

When Trump was elected I remember asking “is that the best America can do?”

I do like what you say about marching, helping you to feel less powerless. That’s good. In spite of the UK and US having leaders with all kinds of short comings, we should at the very least be grateful we live in a society where we do have the right to march, complain to our Members of Parliament and generally speak out - which includes blogging!
Doug said…
Oh just to add, I heard on the radio a few weeks ago about the appetite for a new political party. The rationale was the moderate members of the Tory and Labour parties had more in common with each other, than they do with their colleagues on the extremes of their parties. Trouble is, there’s nobody who springs to mind who has the right qualities to lead such a party and I don’t like knee-jerk reactions. Not heard anything about this since then, have you?
Caree Risover said…
Yes, Tracy, marching took me back to my student days!
Doug, I think the appetite for a new political party comes more from the electorate who feel unrepresented than from MPs and members of the main political parties. The truth is that modern politics has let us down and to be honest I can’t yet see a new party rising from the ashes to fix it (everyone’s too wary of the SDP experience to try it). I guess if both Tory and Labour parties continue their gravitation towards the extremes, it will eventually happen or we’ll forgive the LibDems and allow them to re-emerge.
Tracy Altieri said…
Thanks for your feedback, both of you. Sadly (shockingly) Trump is attempting to make peaceful demonstration illegal in certain locations - like Washington D.C. This flies in the face of everything that our country was founded on.
Caree Risover said…
So sorry to hear that Tracy, I confess I wasn’t aware. Sadly most of the reports we hear about Trump’s latest actions, statements or tweets(!) seem so incredulous that I have to double-check to ensure they are not his beloved “fake news” and then pinch myself in astonishment when I discover they are genuine. Keep up the good march; we all know the USA deserves a better President.
Treaders said…
I am a Brit and live in France and was denied the vote but am obviously one of those most affected. Had there been a real democratic vote "out" then I have no problem with that but for the 1 million or so expat Brits who were denied the vote the whole thing stinks. That being said, get on with it - but sadly I think those that are leading this charge are the least qualified to do so. Best of luck to you (and me - and my kids and .... what a cluster f....)!
Caree Risover said…
Thank you for pointing out another of the injustices of the vote. I’m not sure about getting on with it, I still fear the extent to which right wing extremists are poised to “take-over”

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