The Power of Positivity

Yoga yesterday heralded another session for personal growth when our lifestyle guru steered us into an imaginary garden and encouraged us to nurture seeds of positivity rather than weeds or negative thoughts.

She urged us to connect an adjective expressing a commendation for ourselves to the words: "I am."

I'm not sure that it was her intention but by the end of the session I had awarded myself numerous accolades, some of which I am far too modest to list, but otherwise I can share that I am: happy, healthy, loved, relaxed....

True or not, it is certainly a fillip to one's self-esteem to recite your accomplishments to yourself. Try it by telling yourself that you are beautiful; it certainly brings a smile to your lips if nothing else.

Sometimes even in retirement we need a boost and of course it is no longer going to come from a promotion or payrise, let alone a bouquet of flowers from a grateful client.

Compliments from family and friends are as important now as when you were working and so too is your own self assurance. If, therefore, your morale needs a little personal brainwashing to be maintained, then why not?

I'm certainly happy to keep chanting in order to nurture those shoots of positivity.



Royce Shook said…
Thank you for the reminder that even in retirement we need a boost to help us keep a positive attitude. I enjoyed the read and will make sure that I go and compliment friends and families when they need a boost.
Caree Risover said…
Sometimes too, paying a compliment makes us feel even better about ourselves than receiving one. Not sure when Yoga Guru will be working that one into her class though.
Jane said…
I am hopeful.
Caree Risover said…
And I am confident for you.

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