A Retirement Predicament

Image by Noupload from Pixabay I have mentioned many times on this blog the concept of frugality , not necessarily with the aim of saving funds but rather to live simply, respect the planet and reduce, reuse and recycle . Mister E and I are now facing our first big test in this connection following the breakdown of the washing machine. It is nine years old and it let us down at the weekend when it succeeded in tripping our electricity every time it moved into water heating mode, although it continues to function perfectly when spinning, rinsing or undertaking a cold wash. Our dilemma of course is do we rush out and buy a new machine as, even if capable of repair at a modest price, taking into account its age will we be simply throwing good money after bad? On the other hand, if there is actually yet life to be squeezed out of it, do we squeeze it for the benefit of Planet Earth and at what cost to ourselves? The quandary does not of course even stop there. Pendi...