Pins and Needles

Image by Susana Martins from Pixabay
Sometimes this crazy place called Retirement has me in absolute stitches. There's no need to go hunting for laughter, because it is around every corner when you interact with others. We are told not to  talk to strangers when we are little but, now we have grown up, there can be so much fun in doing so. Take the examples below from the last few days which still bring a grin to my face when I recall them.

Standing outside the gym the other morning was a butler. Now I have been a member for ten years and never before has a gentleman in bow tie and tails greeted me. "You must be waiting to carry my bag," I declared, and he duly did!

Then there was the afternoon I caught up with my mother at the checkout of a local self service store. I was chatting away to her when, after ignoring me and paying, she suddenly fled. "Aren't you going to wait for me?" I queried, as she scurried out of the shop even though I was driving her home. We met up again at the car, where I was told she hadn't recognised me ( I had been mistaken for the garrulous stranger that I am )!

Or what about having already arranged a rendezvous in Pizza Express before the Queen's middle son gave it a glowing recommendation, finding it full of diners disappointed that staff don’t curtesy or so my conversation in the “ladies” would suggest.

However, the encounter that beat them all was at the Doctor's surgery where I had gone for blood tests and a couple of vaccinations. I was sure I heard my name being called but the other lady in the waiting room responded, only to return a few minutes later looking decidedly pale. "It's you the nurse wants," she said. "When I saw her with those needles, I realised she was intending to turn somebody into a pin cushion and I knew it wasn't me!"

Yes there's so much truth in the saying that when you smile at the world, the world smiles with you.


Treaders said…
I can and will talk to anyone and I love it. But I did a post recently about waving to my neighbour at the market the other day only to be horrified when he took his glasses off, ran over the road and kissed me on both cheeks, and then I realized it wasn't him! Oh well, I made a new friend I guess!
Caree Risover said…
Spreading happiness at the market sounds better than Stranger Danger
Treaders said…
Ha ha, ain't that the truth!

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