Work Out and Eat Well

Image by Ale MaGu from Pixabay
A little boost to the old morale this morning at the gym when I had my progress at turning flab into core strength checked and was rewarded with a decline in my metabolic age to 49! Keep this up and I really will be back in my second adolescence before I know it.

Mind I appear to have been aided by adopting a new dietary regime. Plant based diets are gaining so much in popularity of late that you can hardly move for them. In my defence, I have been forced into exploring mine as a result of an auto-immune disorder that has wreaked havoc with my skin for decades. I tell you, it is a good job I love spinach, beetroot and squash as well as developing a penchant for all kinds of legumes and pulses, because not only is red meat off the plate, but also aubergines, potatoes, peppers and, my once staple food, tomatoes! Wheat and dairy are discouraged and processed foods are completely prohibited. On the plus side, eggs are in and I'm still eating fish and occasionally chicken, whilst snacking on bananas and nuts.

I have never been renowned for picky eating, so it's a bit of a new one for me but if it is good for the planet as well as my well-being then it could prove to be a double win.


Treaders said…
As our meat is more and more "bastardized" by mass production I can see me heading plant-based too and I don't think I will mind one bit. But as you say, if you already like that stuff it does help. And congratulations on turning 49 again!
Caree Risover said…
Thank you. I have actually thought about the need to throw a birthday party if I ever hit 40 again!
Stephanie Jane said…
Yay, a second fortieth party sounds like a fab idea!
I can send you links to my favourite vegan recipes if this would help? Lentil Dahl with lots of spinach wilted in is delicious, but I do put tinned tomatoes in mine. I think I'd really struggle as a vegan without the option of tomato-based dishes in the mix :-/
Caree Risover said…
Tomatoes are definitely the hardest part and yes please I'd love the links. My email address is on my profile.

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