Happy Hour


The first week of January can be a jolt back to the harsh world of reality, especially when you are working or have to return to school. Retirement is a little more gentle and I guess if we wanted to, we could keep up the Christmas partying (Covid aside) until the festive season comes all the way round again.

Call me boring, if you wish, but I've slotted in some early morning fitness classes and have been back to the gym. After the guests, the food, the drink, the games, the conversation, it has been a most welcome return to routine. I'm not sure my muscles agree but there's a limit as to how long they can expect to be allowed to stagnate. This is after all retirement that I am exploring, not a sun lounger!

Despite the grey skies and snowflakes today, I am feeling naturally happy and, dare I say it, optimistic! The days are getting longer and I can almost see without a light when I get up. At least I thought I could until I checked the thermometer on my way through the hall yesterday morning; I swear it said 18˚ (celsius). It didn't; there was a decimal point in the middle, but it felt good to be deluded, if only momentarily.

Whilst we had visitors, the wine and coffees flowed. We even invented a new cocktail: the Neggy Latte Flow. If I was up for fibbing, I'd tell you that it was a mixture of egg nog, espresso and steamed milk. Truthfully, it was not intended for ingestion. 

Just like sipping from a glass with a cocktail cherry and paper umbrella though, we gathered around a table to imbibe and chat. The fact it was swabs and samples diminished the taste but not the sense of spirit. So much so that, and in order to maintain the New Year's gym routine and other social interactions, it's a practice that I shall be continuing for the forseeable future.

Down the hatch and up the nose: cheers!


Jeanette Lewis said…
You are lucky to have rapid antigen tests! They are scarce in Ontario. The liquor stores handed them out before Christmas but most were gone 15 minutes after the stores opened. Today a local mall had 1000 tests to hand out at 9am. Lineups started at 6:00 am in temperatures of -8C (so reports advise). All tests were gone within minutes of the mall doors opening! Thank goodness both my husband and I are healthy and are staying close to home to stay safe as numbers of people sick with the Omicron variant have pushed local hospitals to capacity!

Caree Risover said…
As well as picking up the tests from pharmacies, here we can order them from the Government’s website for delivery by post. There were reported shortages over the past week, but my most recent order on Monday was delivered today. Omicron is likewise putting pressure on hospitals in some areas but our region is behind the curve at the moment; keeping socially distanced, I’m therefore sticking to places/situations where I feel safe. With Omicron purportedly milder than previous variants but more transmissible, the big fear, as you imply, is not being able to access hospital treatment for another condition. Take care.
Marksgran said…
Testing here regularly too but not going anywhere except for shopping! I can't quite bring myself to go anywhere with too many other people around yet. My exercise is walking the dog daily and thats it. We've been able to get regular test kits from our local pharmacy with no bother so far. Lets hope we won't need them soon!
Caree Risover said…
As well as testing, I’m hiding behind an FFP2/N95 mask as I move from safe spot to safe spot, including in the gym. Fingers crossed that vaccinations coupled with social distancing and everybody where I go being sensible, is sufficient.
Treaders said…
My exercise will have to be walking too but then I like walking in the cold weather. As for tests, they didn't have any around Christmas/New Year - and we have to pay for them too. €5.50 a test. Oh well!
Caree Risover said…
Unfortunately I’m still hindered from walking any distance by my knee and whilst many might think going to a carefully monitored gym is risky, it is providing much needed strengthening and hopefully avoiding the need for physiotherapy in a hospital that might prove more risky

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