Let Them Deliver


chef delivering pizza

You have to admire our present Government, always striving to tend to our needs and only ever with our best interests at heart. What is it about the Conservative Party though that since Norman Tebbit 42 years ago it's been obsessed with getting us onto bicycles, whilst ministers swan around in chauffeur driven limos or in the case of the Prime Minister jets and helicopters?

Perturbed by the number of "economically inactive" people under pension age, the  Work and Pensions Secretary, Mel Stride, last week suggested that over 50's should consider getting on their bikes and delivering pizzas. (At least he knew better than to suggest we catch a train). I guess it didn't dawn on him that many of us in this category would actually have qualified for state pensions a number of years ago if his party hadn't changed the rules at the last minute and that not earning in your early sixties is by no mean unusual. He also overlooked how many are now caring for elderly relatives, stepping up to undertake what the state used to provide,  and totally ignored the numbers who are at home immobile as they wait on a never-ending list for hospital treatment.

Even for those who might lean towards earning a little cash to tide them over until their pension finally comes into payment, pizza deliveries may not be a preferred occupation, particularly on a bicycle. I certainly have no intention of taking my life in my hands with pedal power when the Prime Minister himself indicated that Local Councils really should be moving away from what he clearly considers as nonsensical 20 mph speed limits for motor vehicles together with car-free zones.

Arguing that those of us in the early years of retirement should deliver pizza when contemporaneously the Government itself seems singularly unable to deliver on any of its promises isn't simply unreasonable but frankly ridiculous. 

(Image by Alexa from Pixabay)



Treaders said…
I heard about that comment - their arrogance knows no bounds does it. If I had to deliver pizzas on a bike I'd spend the next two months draining the NHS of resources by occupying a hospital bed! Oh and what about those who are taking care of grandchildren so that their parents can work? It's all too easy to blame the "little people" while the Hurray Henrys of the world swan around in their limos isn't it! Makes my blood boil!
Caree Risover said…
They seem to get further and further removed from the reality of what they’ve created by the day.
Jean said…
This suggestion from one of the bunch of wealthy elitist tossers that form our government shows that they are so out of touch with the reality of daily life for us normal folk.
Patronising, condescending and insulting doesn't begin to cover it, just like the idiot that suggested poor folk should consider using budget label foods in the supermarket! Just in case it hadn't already occurred to them!!
Give me strength. Let's just hope that at the next GE enough people are not fooled by their empty promises and don't vote for more of the same.
Marksgran said…
Wow, just wow! I'm glad I missed that one, I assume hubby missed it too or he'd have been shouting at the telly! It is quite terrifying the level of disconnection from real life among all the politicians in this country. The worrying thing is, I doubt 'the other party' are much better!
Caree Risover said…
Yes, that Westminster bubble really does need to be popped.
Christie Hawkes said…
Yikes! It would seem that all politicians everywhere are disconnected from their constituents. Heaven help us.

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