Dream or Nightmare?


 It sounded a little too good to be true when we received an email at the beginning of the week from the remediation company contracted by the insurers, suggesting that we could feasibly be back in our home by Christmas. The day dreaming began and the pace of work in the rooms upstairs that we are decorating quickened.

Little by little, however, we realised the serious pitfalls of such a situation, not least because notice to terminate the lease on our temporary accommodation would need to be given this month with no certainty that we would actually be able to return as indicated. Corners would need to be cut and/or we would be returning to somewhere only half finished with no prospect of entertaining family over the Christmas holidays. 

Then nightmare of nightmares, because the tenancy end date would actually be 25th December, I had visions of cleaning and clearing two houses at the point when most people might be sitting back, slippers on, waiting for Santa Claus to pop down the chimney. Imagine the packing and unpacking taking place. It would certainly elevate the meaning of Christmas Boxes.

By Friday, however, it appeared the contractor had reviewed his concrete setting times. Another email pinged into the inbox, this time advising that a return in February will be the more likely outcome. 

Disappointed? Only marginally. If retirement has taught us one thing, it is that patience truly is a virtue. Pacing ourselves with steady steps, tends to achieve far better outcomes for us these days than conjuring up a whirlwind of activity. That might have worked when we were young but a bit of logical planning, followed by proper implementation and a quest for a quality finish are now more important.

The enjoyment of the moment with time to pick and choose new fitments. No rushed decisions. Yes, I am on a journey through retirement but as I progress it's becoming slower and more thorough.


Treaders said…
While I'm sorry you won't be back in your home by Christmas, being a tortoise myself rather than the hare has, to me, always felt the best way of doing things (and less stressful too)!
Marksgran said…
I am very much the tortoise these days. I think February will be a lovely time to move back home. The nights will be getting lighter again and spring will be on the way. Much better than rushing for Christmas I think. At least, though, the light at the end of the tunnel is switched on! x
Caree Risover said…
I appreciate your positive spin - thank you.

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