Marching Like the Brigantes

With both the eldest and youngest at home over the long Easter weekend, the Risover family decided to take advantage of the wonderful Spring weather for a long walk today. 

Of course, the difficulty with walking your way to fitness in retirement is that sometimes the obstacles you meet are harder to conquer than the gym equipment that I would otherwise use, especially when your legs are beginning to stiffen towards the end of an outing.

It was a really fabulous day with the temperature twice as high as yesterday, blue skies and an abundance of sunshine. However, this road sign summed up the problems with Spring so far this year. The hedges are beginning to turn green, we spotted dandelions in flower and new born lambs, but there remains a serious risk of snow, frost and ice!

Today we explored the local remains of what is considered to be one of the largest Iron Age Forts in the country and the likely headquarters for the Brigantes tribe. The earthworks cover an area of 750 acres and in places are still easily 16 feet high. Amazing to think that Queen Cartimandua had potentially walked such some two thousand years before we were and that attacks on the Romans were launched from that place.


The Caree said…
It looks just beautiful - I love the old stone walls....

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