Battery Recharge

I can't seriously believe that I am writing this but my battery needs recharging. I know what you are thinking: "Who is this woman, she has only just returned from one of several holidays and already she's out of juice and looking for another trip away?"

Actually it's not like that, but I admit my brain seems to be unravelling. Running around, juggling plates again; a hormone overload; floating above the trivia of every day life with no grasp of reality; the onset of dementia; simple stupidity?  Whichever it is, I excelled even myself on Friday afternoon when I left the key in the ignition of my car. Fortunately the engine wasn't running, but the headlights were. 

They aren't anymore! 

When I went out to the garage this morning the battery was well and truly dead. There I was in freezing cold weather with a car that wouldn't start. I know we seem to be living through an era of nostalgia when everyone wants to turn the clock back but, honestly, it has to have been over 30 years since I had a flat battery (and wasn't it always in the winter?). I was almost convinced that modern car batteries didn't run down, but perhaps it was just wishful thinking on my part.

A knight in shining armour, aka Mister E, has had it connected to a charger today; fingers crossed it starts in the morning. As for my brain, any recommendations for a rewiring  expert?


Stephanie Jane said…
Oh no! I was forever forgetting to turn the lights off on my old Mini and must have had to jump start it at least a dozen times after a day at work, but that was years ago too.
Now with the motorhome we always need the keys to open the gas locker or similar so can't easily leave them in the ignition for too long. And the headlights go off by themselves, apparently!
Fingers crossed your charger worked for the car. I don't know of a human equivalent??
Caree Risover said…
Yes, it seemed to take forever to charge up but the engine started first time once it had. The only problem then was that some nasty warning lights came on and everything had to be reset- the wonders of modern electronics.

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