Green Versus Orange

What’s retirement for, if not to taste new experiences? So last weekend, completely out of my comfort zone, I tried a green juice detox and have since followed it up with a string of vegan recipes where all those green vegetables and onions from my garden have been put to good use, along with handfuls of thyme, rosemary, basil and flat leaf parsley from the herb border. Flat leaf parsley, I never  knew what to do with my plantation of the stuff before and it actually tastes really good.

The youngest, in the interests of sustainability, switched to a vegetarian lifestyle a few years ago. She seems to eat an enormous amount of carrots. Now all that beta carotene is surely having an effect because not only does it brighten her plate, but I swear her skin looks orange too.

I guess if I can keep up my current fresh leaf overdosing, the next time we visit it will be billed as Green Alien meets the Oompaloompa. Watch this space!


Stephanie Jane said…
Glad you're getting to use your garden plants!
I've been foraging enough walnuts and hazelnuts locally for several delicious nut roasts over the past few weeks, and neighbours have gone to Spain leaving their cherry tomato plants still fruiting so I'm scrumping from them too :-)
Caree Risover said…
I always hate having a glut of anything that I can’t give away or make use of myself, and herbs are sometimes the worst when they spread prolifically. I confess I’ve been considering foraging for hips and haws in the hedgerows recently (they are so plentiful this autumn) but probably need a lesson on poisonous berries first.

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