Working Out for Cash

Stay at home, exercise and raise funds for a good cause all at the same time. Sounds too good to be true? Well it's not as difficult as it sounds after Joe Wicks this morning announced that the revenue his PE sessions are generating from advertising he's donating to the NHS.

To be honest 10 days ago I hadn't even heard of Joe Wicks, The Body Coach. Why would I when I have a gym membership? However, in a desperate attempt for some guidance and motivation during living room based training sessions, a search on YouTube for fitness instruction, quickly brought his videos to the top of the list. 

Yesterday I did a HIIT class with him (well not really, he was on the television screen and I was obeying instructions to stay at home and exercise). I confess the sweat poured and my heart rate rose as  intended. Towards the end, he did tell me my legs would ache this morning but I laughed it off. Well it seems the laugh was on me after all, when I mastered my first descent of the stairs this morning, legs akimbo as though I had just dismounted after a long, long horseride.

However, Joe isn't going to get rid of me that easily. He may now be the nation's favourite PE teacher and taken over the mantle worn  first by the Green Goddess and then Mr Motivator, but he has me hooked. Moreover, if my exertions are going to boost cash for an over-pressed health service, then I'm intending to squeeze every possible penny out of my muscles as often as I can. We all have to do our bit for the war effort.


Treaders said…
I had heard of him before but for some reason I wasn't overly keen. Now I'm starting to see him in a different light. And well done you on keeping up with him. I'm pretty sure I can't but there's only one way to find out isn't there!
Caree Risover said…
It’s when you start chatting to him that you realise this is not a normal way to exercise!

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