Retirement-What if It's Not Right for You?
"Retirement- what if it's not right for you?" was the intriguing title of an article in one of those financial magazines that plop through our letterbox from time to time. This particular periodical from a local firm of financial advisers arrived a month ago, but I am only now taking advantage of the colder, darker hours of this month's lockdown to get on top of the piles of correspondence awaiting attention on my desk.
The gist, of course, was to keep working if you want to and for which there could be a myriad of reasons in support. However, you do need to be aware of certain taxation pitfalls, especially if drawing down on pension funds whilst working part-time. I suppose it wasn't quite what I was seeking to read when, apart from the obvious "but I can't afford to retire" argument, I was anticipating a lot more around the theme of being afraid of stagnation, so that I might have the opportunity to analyse it critically. You see, even after six and a half years of a fulfilling retirement experience, insecure human that I am, I'm still seeking reassurance that I made the right decision and have found an elixir for happiness.
As it turned out, thumbing through the pages produced the shaking I needed. A tribute to a deceased member of staff who sadly had died suddenly and so failed to reach even a part-time retirement. It was both a shock and a reality jolt.
When any kind of opportunity presents, we clearly do right to seize it, knowing neither if we will get another chance nor what tomorrow might bring instead.