The Aftermath

I had no idea that a wedding could prove so tiring. I don't know whether it's been a reaction to all the excitement and anticipation, repeatedly climbing spiral staircases or a couple of late nights even. Does age and retirement really now reduce me to the horizontal in return for a good day out? Whatever the cause, I have been in a state of utter exhaustion all week. If truth be told, I think I've fallen from the high shelf I was on a week ago and the only things keeping the adrenaline pumping are the memories as well as the expectant wait for sight of the official photographs. Mind, anxiety and apprehension may also have played a part. One branch of the family had to cancel their attendance after a nephew had tested positive for coronavirus only hours before they were due to set off. Then this week there have been reports of first an uncle of the bride and then his daughter testing positive too. Fortunately neither sounds as if they are overly ill and there's a good...