A Month for Optimism


Action for Happiness has designated this month as Optimistic October. That certainly captured my interest, having been on a quest since retirement to enjoy a more optimistic outlook on life. 

Yesterday the calendar told me to: "Be a realistic optimist. See life as it is but focus on what's good."

I thought about that advice as I stepped onto my trusty bathroom scales and they indicated that I had dropped 3 stones in weight in a week. Now to be honest I have reached that stage of retirement where I might almost have jumped with joy, filled my bath with champagne and toasted the occasion in style. However, the words "be realistic," rang in my ears and I shrugged my shoulders, acknowledging that the scales were undoubtedly malfunctioning.

I've owned them a longtime, they owe me nothing and so I decided to invest in a new set. I stepped on them tonight and, as I looked down at the reading, the words on the calendar today echoed around me: "Remind yourself that things can change for the better."  

 "But only if you eat less," I muttered to myself.




Jennyff said…
Look at it this way, if you had suddenly dropped 3 stone not only would your clothes not fit you neither would your skin. You are saved all that bother.
Caree Risover said…
Love it - Seems I actually got the best outcome after all!
Treaders said…
HA HA, gotta get myself some of your scales! Though frankly the only way I'd lose 3 stone is if I shaved my legs!
Caree Risover said…
Well I’d never thought of that one (LOL)!!
Jeanette Lewis said…
'Realistic Optimist'? Does it include new scales as a method to help you to lose weight? It seems that positive psychology can only take you so far...
Caree Risover said…
Had the new scales malfunctioned too Jeanette, I might have thought the optimism was justified.
My scales have always weighed two pounds too light, and I sort of liked that. We bought a new one recently and I'm having trouble adjusting to the two pounds I have "suddenly gained."
Caree Risover said…
Time to turn on the optimism and just assume the new ones weigh heavy, perhaps.
Hi Caree,
Thanks for sharing the Optimistic October calendar and info about Action for Happiness. I had never heard of them before. I am now signed up. What a great idea. It is just what the world needs these days.
Caree Risover said…
Yes, it’s a great motivational website for conjuring up a feel good way to look at life and practise positive behaviour.

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