She's So Hot

Hot, hot, hot. The lady (that's me) is hot! Forgive me, I honestly mean this literally. 

I've been wondering for a longtime what a hot flush feels like. Now I know!

I have always been able to sleep soundly. So much so, that it would never have surprised me if a representative from the English Sleep Team (were such a thing to exist) had knocked on my door inviting me to participate in the next Olympic Games. 

Indeed one of the aspects of the fitbit app that has always intrigued me is where it gets its data for sleep patterns from. It insists that the benchmark for women of my age is to be awake from 15% to 27% of the night. Honestly that sounds so painful when, even with this sudden radiant heat I've started to generate, I'm still sleeping at least 90% of the time although perhaps the slumbering does now lack the quality I've been used to enjoying in the past.

Obviously it's something of a shock to the system, but then I've become accustomed to those over the last 4 weeks, subsequent to what I assume was one great big hormone crash following on from my surgery. I suppose it at least has its advantages at this time of the year with temperatures still dropping overnight. In fact if I could even generate a little more fire during the day we might be able to avoid ordering our next delivery of central heating oil at current prices. I'm trying my best, I can tell you. 



Treaders said…
Oh poor you, I really feel for you. I never suffered hot flashes (well, maybe one or two) before I went on HRT, but I do remember my colleagues suffering horribly (and quite embarrassingly) at work sometimes. My sister didn't want to take HRT but took something natural and swore it worked for her. I'm pretty sure it was Black Cohosh! Good luck!
Caree Risover said…
I’m hoping it’s going to be.a quickly passing phase, that is to say over and done with before the summer heat. Trust I’m not being overly optimistic! If I am I shall be looking for a remedy, homeopathic or otherwise.
Marksgran said…
I think one of the worst aspects of the hot flush is the surprise factor!! There was nothing worse for me than sitting in a meeting at work and from nowhere suddenly I could feel the heat creep up from my boots! I was lucky that I didn't get the night sweats a lot of people get so I don't remember my sleep being particularly impacted but those flushes lasted for years! I didn't take HRT as when I was going through it HRT was a big baddy, it's getting a better press now and my daughter who had a hysterectomy due to endemetriosis a couple of years ago in her 30's now swears by HRT.
Caree Risover said…
Lasted for years? Well that cheered me up (not)!
Not fun! I get a lot fewer hot flashes since giving up alcohol, but they have been surprising me at night lately as well. Hope that you are sleeping soundly again soon!
Caree Risover said…
I love my sleeping so much that I think I’ll get used to anything if that’s what it takes to avoid sleep deprivation

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