It's Around the Corner


shrub with a touch of frost

Yesss! It's hard to know how to express my delight but today was my first time working in the garden this year. To be honest, I wasn't entirely looking forward to what I anticipated would be a somewhat chilly occasion but there are a couple of pruning jobs that have to be undertaken in February and I had resolved to start them this weekend.

Conditions, however, were so delightful that I extended my time outside and did three times what I had planned. I was rewarded not only with a front garden that looks distinctly more tidy than when I started but that feeling of being alive and at one with the world. 

Bulbs are peeping through, there are crocuses in bloom and tiny buds aplenty. The birds were singing loudly and I even sowed some seeds to germinate indoors. The season of rebirth is beginning and in another month or three the bare shrubs are going to be resplendent once again in green. It's hard to describe how completely uplifting the whole experience was. Spring eases in every year, but  observing and working with it close-up, rather than viewing it through a window or dismissing it as routine, is truly enlivening. Several hours later, I feel excited just writing about my outdoor foray.

Note to self: I need to get out more but by that I do simply mean outside. The beautiful essentials of life are everywhere and the more you notice them the greater the personal gain. It's little wonder that ancient Greeks worshipped Gaia or that we refer to Mother Nature. Forget the psychological nature/nurture debate; nature nurtures and we all need a generous dose of it from time to time, especially after a dark, cold winter.


Treaders said…
I should have gotten outside these past few days too as it is just lovely - although I still have snow falling off my roof! And it does so much good too doesn't it. I'll have to give myself a stern talking to and get outside tomorrow!
Caree Risover said…
I hadn’t realised how much I’d missed just pottering outside but needless to say the bulbs might still be growing, but a cold wind yesterday and today has prevented a repeat performance on my part!
Christie Hawkes said…
I so love the beginning of spring, Caree. We are still under a layer of snow here, but I am looking forward to experiencing those first signs of spring. Thanks for sharing your experience and reminding me that it is coming!
Caree Risover said…
Of course Christie we could have snow again before long - we just never know how long winter is ever likely to continue in North Yorkshire, but a sunny day and observing those first green shoots certainly keeps the spirit lifted, especially on days like today when we had freezing fog. I hope you get your first signs shortly too.

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