

Baby sleeping

I have alluded previously to a visit by the Eldest and Dilly together with our baby granddaughter. They stayed a week and I have to say I had totally forgotten how exhausting babies are! Grandparent status is wonderful but I'm not sure I'd have the energy to care for a little human being full-time.

Hats off, therefore, to Robert de Niro and Al Pacino who both made the news recently when they announced the births of their children. Aged 79 and 83 respectively, I think they need more than congratulations and good luck, although I suspect that neither might be the hands-on type of parent we would normally envisage.

I'm absolutely certain that even  if it was biologically possible  the last thing I would want to do would be to give birth in retirement. I love my sleep and quiet periods too much, not to mention the freedom to do what I want, when I want. I never thought I was an overly selfish person but there we are. Raising children is a full-day, every day, long-term commitment. I much prefer being a grandma; it may only be a supporting role but it is important and fits better with this stage of my life.



Treaders said…
I suspect de Niro and Pacino have an army of staff so (just like the Queen) it's probably more a question of patting them on the head before the nanny takes them off to wipe their backsides. But I agree with you, I couldn't do it now and yes I understand why you "love" those grandbabies more than your kids in a way. You've got time to appreciate them. And what a beautiful baby!
We kept our first granddaughter daily for about two years and it wasn't too bad. Then we kept our twin granddaughters for about a year last year and it wore us out. All are now in daycare and preschool and we are enjoying our retirement and enjoying their visits. Taking care of youngsters is a tiring job for sure!
Caree Risover said…
Treaders, there is definitely a lot to be said for the ability to hand back! Well done you, Retirement Coffee Shop - just watching my one granddaughter constantly move her arms and legs is enough to exhaust me on occasions!
Marksgran said…
With reference to your previous post, I was feeling exhausted working in the garden this afternoon and gave up, came in, sat down, had a nap and I'm now sitting reading blogs at leisure in front of the lovely cool fan, feeling much better for it! The garden can wait - what a joy retirement is! Anyway, congratulations on becoming a gran, what a beautiful baby. It is exhausting indeed. I looked after my grandson (now 21) while I was still working part time - my daughters hours and mine mitred very nicely at the time and that was a while ago, and I found it hard. My youngest grandchild is about to be 14 and watching her was tiring too but so lovely and brilliant to hand them back to mum and dad! Now I watch their dogs! Not quite as tiring but still great to hand them back lol. x
Caree Risover said…
You made me smile MarksGran not least because I have a strong suspicion I could actually dog sit (walks and all) far easier than care for a baby.

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