Your Health and Happiness


2024 started in the same way that 2023 ended: with a family gathering.

On New Year's Eve we met up for a meal with the more northerly branch of Mister E's side of the family. Then, on New Year's Day, we gathered again with the Eldest and Youngest at a holiday home for 3 nights in order to attend my nephew's wedding.

Are there ever happier family occasions than weddings with the opportunity to catch up, in a joyous party atmosphere, with relatives you don't see as often as you would like?

Unfortunately Covid intervened to prevent my mother coming, whilst my granddaughter succumbed to chicken pox meaning that neither she nor Dilly could travel. There must be something about weddings and viruses that seem intinsically linked for us in recent years, but at least Mister E and I were unscathed this time around.

Mind it could also  have been much worse as the groom had unsuspectingly visited my mother the week before and was feeling so ill on New Year's Day that we were beginning to suspect he might have caught Covid from her. Luckily he awoke feeling only nervous on the Wedding Day, but they had gone so far as to check the terms of their cancellation insurance!

 It was a beautiful occasion but we returned yesterday nursing heavy colds. At least I got the all clear from a Lateral Flow test.

2024, but already still the same ongoing issues as in recent years. Raising a glass to good health and happiness as we usher in the New Year, seems ever appropriate. it may not have had completely the desired effect, as I sit here sniffing into my handkerchief, but I'm ever optimistic going forward.

It's funny really how we like to talk about new beginnings and even make resolutions to change things at the start of the year, when perhaps really we should simply take comfort from our nearest and dearest as well as the continuity of what's familiar. Of course, I haven't actually made any resolutions at all now for the last 6 years. From what I've been reading of late there's even a bit of a movement away from them as we are encouraged by wellness coaches to embrace our imperfections and accept that "we are enough."

It may have taken until retirement to feel truly at one with life, but when you do (and irrespective of coughing and sneezing) why resolve to change anything?

Happy New Year everyone and a toast for your good health and happiness going forward too.




Treaders said…
Oh my goodness, I couldn't imagine having to cancel my wedding at the last minute!!! I'm so glad the groom was ok and hope you (and mom) feel better soon!
Caree Risover said…
HNY Treaders. My nephew certainly had all the guests, especially those who’d travelled and booked accommodation to stay over before and after, on tenterhooks! My cold continues but I imagine any indoor get together at this time of year is an inevitable germ soup and, unlike my mum’s Covid, I am at least throwing it off.

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