Physical and Mental Health in Retirement

Since retiring I have been working hard to try to increase my fitness and, in the fullness of time, to lose the weight gained by embracing an office desk and home sofa rather than aerobic exercise. Today, therefore, my diary had two entries in it: 9.00 am pool; 6.00 pm exercise class.

One of the many great things about retirement is, of course, the time that I now have for preparations. I can indulge myself and step out confidently knowing that my handbag complements the colour of my dress, my tights are not laddered and my shoes match.

I am also working hard on putting things down in the same place so that I don't waste hours looking for items such as keys and specs.

It's funny but when I was working I always used to think that it was because my brain was so cluttered with client business that it had no space for the trivia of my daily routine. Events today have forced me to challenge that preconception.

All ready in my swimming costume with dress over the top, car keys in hand, the youngest and I went to leave the house, only for me to be unable to find my house keys to lock up. They were last seen yesterday in the handbag that I was clutching. I duly emptied its contents, searched all the obvious places in the house but drew a complete blank. The youngest searched my handbag; the keys were found; she chastised me and we set off.

Everything then proceeded swimmingly (excuse the pun) until I was about to enter the pool but realised that I didn't have my goggles. Last seen on a hook in the shower on a previous visit and not in Lost Property, I have had to assume they are lost forever. My grateful thanks, therefore, to the colleague who gave me a pair instead, as she put it, of a retirement card and which I shall use next time. This morning I simply endured the chlorine.

40 lengths later and with bloodshot eyes, I was drying myself in the changing room when I made an alarming discovery of a further incident of forgetfulness. Regrettably I had to drive home impersonating both a Scot in a kilt and a bra burning activist from the 60's.

I would like to be able to say the lesson has been learned and these things will never happen again. Sadly that is not the case. Guess who left her sunglasses in the locker after this evening's exercise class and had to go back for them?

Well the only consolation has to be that it is all good training for when my mind goes completely gaga. In the meantime does anybody know if Sudoku really helps to delay mental ageing?


London bound said…
Don't worry about it. These things happen to me and I am only in my mid 40's!
Caree Risover said…
Good to know I am not alone and best just to see the funny side!
comfort finds said…
Great Post! Thanks for sharing with us.

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