Dippy the Dinosaur to Retire

Well this week's news that the Natural History Museum intends to move the diplodocus model from the entrance hall to the museum and replace it with the skeleton of a blue whale was a shock to the nation. So much so that I understand a petition is now circulating to try to get the powers that be to change their minds.

Part of the museum's reasoning appears to be that it feels that after exhibiting Dippy since 1905, it is now time for its retirement (or at least a less prominent position) and secondly it is just a plaster cast. 

I guess, from Dippy's perspective, that's what ageism in the workplace feels like, although, if he asked me, I could certainly recommend retirement!


Debra Journet said…
I feel for Dippy. This would be like removing Sue the T-Rex from the Field Museum in Chicago.

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