It's Good to Laugh

Yesterday I thought Spring was almost upon us. We had two hares in the field adjoining our garden preparing for their annual boxing contest; hosts of blackbirds at the foot of the feeders chasing one another; the sky was blue and the temperature actually got into double figures at 10 degrees Celsius.

What a contrast this morning when a thick frost coated everything and then a freezing fog descended and lingered for far longer than forecast.

Fortunately last night Mister E and I had gone to the Gala Theatre in Durham to see one of the country's better known comedians, Al Murray as the Pub Landlord. I'm afraid some of his language was rather blue (as we had known it would be) but the content was otherwise intelligent, perceptive and hilarious. The health benefits of a good laugh cannot be emphasised enough and, in our case, have got us through today's dismal and cold weather with some additional chuckles thrown in for good measure.

I recall once hearing about Laughter Yoga. I think I should suggest it for members at the gym instead of the exhausting Spin session I attended for this morning.


Debra Journet said…
I really like the pictures--especially the one of the spider web. You have a great camera to get these shots. D

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