They Still Have the Power


Even in retirement and depite reaching that third age or whatever, you can't deny the power adult kiddies still have in provoking excitement and anxiety in equal measure, deep within.

So it is that today I have a big beam on my face, or at least I have since 15.40, when the eldest touched down at Heathrow. Before that I was gripping my nerves tightly, anxiously following his 28 hour journey on a flight tracker.

More than 4 years ago now, we waved him off as he flew out to New Zealand to begin a new chapter in his life. Today he began to write another when he returned with his long-term girlfriend who is also now his fiancée to take up new positions in London. They are obliged to quarantine for 10 days in self contained accommodation, so it will still be a while before we actually see them, but just to know they are back on home soil is more than sufficient for a permanent grin and lightness of heart.




Jennyff said…
That is happy news. Hope the quarantine goes by quickly for you all.
Caree Risover said…
Hopefully the next round of restriction easing on 17th May will make indoor visits and overnight stays possible. We are banking on it!
Treaders said…
Oh how wonderful for you to have them back! But I wonder how they'll adapt to being back in Britain. I'm sure it'll have its challenges!
Jeanette Lewis said…
How exciting! Our son lived in Edinburgh for two years while doing his Masters's degree. We usually saw him every 3 or 4 months. Sometimes it felt like four years! You must be thankful that he is starting the next chapter of his life back in the UK.
Jean said…
That's great news, I can only imagine your excitement.
Caree Risover said…
Thank you all for understanding the excitement- tempered only, of course, by the fact another trip to New Zealand now seems unlikely but with the pandemic that was probably going to be the case anyway

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