It Never Rains but it Pours


The rain seems to have been non-stop for days now, sometimes heavy, sometimes less so but incessant regardless. Then just when I thought we had seen the last of big holes on the drive, our illusions were shattered.

A truck arrived to collect the skip that contained the contaminated hardcore dug out mainly from behind the house a couple of months ago. Despite the weather, the driver was well-dressed for the conditions and appeared to have everything under control until the moment, skip loaded, he moved to drive back onto the road. As his front wheel trundled over the reinstated driveway above the trench that had been filled, didn't it just go and collapse!

Of course, this being a project controlled by loss adjusters, we have no say in the way the work is conducted, but honestly you couldn't make it up. If we'd been employing them directly we'd be beginning to suspect we'd hired cowboys. As it is, I've been checking so far as I can to ensure all jobs comply with Building and Water Regulations and have had to ensure ducting, insulation and supports were installed at required points, not to mention measuring the depth of the trench initially and which we then had to insist was deepened. Knowing how to construct a full weight bearing drive, however, is way beyond our expertise, even with the help of Google.

Ten days ago I was musing over the thought that house building and renovation are not what we envisaged for our retirement having tackled that in our middle age. Perhaps I tempted fate when I intimated that I had a premonition that chasing tradesmen was going to become the next phase of our retired lives.

Last week finished on a high, buoyed by the thought of getting our driveway back and believing an oasis with clean tap water was in clear view.  Now we are left wondering if it wasn't a mirage after all.


Marksgran said…
To be fair, skip lorries are a nightmare. Our neighbours are getting a new kitchen installed and have so far had three skips. We came home last week to find one of the slabs on our driveway was sticking up at a dangerous (for our car) angle due to the skip lorry trying to remove their skip at a very weird angle! It must have been all the more frustrating for you when you've only just got it done, ours is needing done so there's no harm done. I don't envy you, you must have the patience of a saint!
Caree Risover said…
Oh how awful for you, when it’s not even your workmen who caused the damage. Hopefully they’ll put it right quickly. Ours should be repaired on Friday. Sadly, I may have some virtues but I don’t think patience is one of them. Instead I tend to zone out, although I might need hypnotherapy to keep it up much longer!
Treaders said…
Oh my word, like you say, it never rains but it pours!!! What a bloody nightmare!
Caree Risover said…
And the worst part of the work to be undertaken is yet to begin and is estimated to continue for months!
Jennyff said…
From my experience you need to know how things should be done, as your are monitoring as best you can, rather than relying on others to know what they are doing. It’s turning into a nightmare for you and I am so sorry. If your insurers have someone well qualified to oversee and regularly inspect the work that might give you some confidence that eventually all will be well.
Caree Risover said…
Luckily the Project Manager is responsive and knowledgeable but tends to visit before/after key bits of work, so we have to watch and check what’s going on and then rely on phone or email to raise concerns. I’m not sure if earning a reputation for being particular means that they will up their game or result in things being hidden from us.

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