Christmas Disco
No, it may be 9th December but I haven't yet been to a Christmas Disco. I know there's something about regressing as you age but going back to those teenage years when the whole of December seemed like one endless party isn't something I've yet subscribed to in retirement.
That said, the Fitness Studio at the gym was recently upgraded to include vertical fluorescent strip lights on the walls that can be set to flash and change colour. Far superior in fact to the projected colours at the local community hall that my 15 year old self frequented.
In Keep Fit to Music the other day, the memories came flooding back, even if I was lying on the floor at the time in a hip bridge. I assure you it had nothing to do with any historic attempt at break dancing (which, in my youth, certainly hadn't caught on where I grew up). Rather, I think it was inspired by the Christmas soundtrack that the instructor had introduced by way of seasonal gesture.
All those Christmas melodies from the Glam Rock era that still get rolled out, year after year. I know carols and Bing Crosby's "White Christmas" preceded those hits, but, having grown up with them, whatever did Christmas feel like without? I mean who would have thought that Wizzard's "I Wish it Could be Christmas Every Day" and Slade's "Merry Christmas Everybody" would still be required entertainment in 2023, fifty years (that right, fifty years!) after they were first released in 1973.
Needless to say, there we were an energetic bunch of retired 60 year pluses decked out in leggings and trainers with not a platform sole in sight, reliving our past and hitting the December party season in the same way as we've done for five decades, moving to a festive song bonanza under flashing lights. Mind some things do change because it was only 9.15am!
(Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay)