Christmas Bonuses
I know there is a theory that as retired humans age they become more grumpy but, seriously, 'tis the season to be jolly and what better way for getting you into the party spirit than a run of seasonal bonuses? Mine started at our annual Yoga Party when yours truly didn't just go and win the Charity raffle: a rather wonderful hamper of Christmas goodies! That was followed swiftly by my state pension bonus, a whole tax free ÂŁ10! Of course there have been repeated discussions between Mister E and me as to how best to apply our combined sum of ÂŁ20. To date, and on the basis that it is still better to give than receive, we've acquired a copy of the Big Issue between us, and are down to ÂŁ15 looking for a good cause tomorrow. The Youngest and her boyfriend arrived on Friday and we are presently awaiting the imminent appearance of the Eldest and family. The cot has been put up in a separate bedroom which is something of a step forward from their last visit. I did ask Dilly i...