
The Finishing Line

Yes, 30 days later and I have survived the terrors of the #minsgame . No cheating and in all I calculate that I have thrown out 496 objects. So how does it feel? Has my life improved as a result and do I feel unburdened? Well I certainly have space on shelves, in cupboards, wardrobes and drawers where previously there was none. I have also totally shocked and shamed myself  by uncovering items that I could hardly believe I hadn't actually flung years ago, like the almost obsolete video tapes which I jettisoned today. I confess, however, that I do still have a collection of work suits albeit reduced in number!  As I look around now,  I know that there is still a long way to go before I achieve that minimalist look and the benefits of simplicity that I am seeking. Nonetheless, after a calendar month, I have changed my attitude to hanging onto possessions simply because I feel they might come in useful even when I have no obvious current use for them. Going forward, I

Five Extra Years

When you go to the gym and then wake up the next day with aches in muscles that you didn't know you had, there are inevitably occasions when you wonder if exercising is as good for you as it is made out to be. Indeed my worst ever injury resulting in breaks to my ankle, tibia and fibula, took place whilst playing sport, albeit many years ago. However, information published recently in the British Journal of Sports Science suggests that, even in men aged 73, thirty minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity a day will extend life expectancy by five years. Get in there, my fitness craze is continuing.

A Kindergarten Class

T his morning I proceeded from Fitball (where you do all kinds of awful things to your body, in the interests of strengthening your core, whilst holding an enormous ball) to Aquafit (where you do all kinds of awful things to your body in a swimming pool). This was all undertaken as part of my quest for health and fitness, of course, although I'm certain one of my recent classes must have been responsible for a knotted muscle which has been causing me to suffer an ugly pain. Having decided that the best policy, in addition to massaging it, is to try to stretch it out, I am of course continuing to put myself through the agony of fitness classes.  In reality they are good fun, although I had to pinch myself at one point this morning in the pool when  I thought that I was going to burst into laughter. Looking at myself holding a giant woggle, it would have been hard to convince anybody that I was not participating in some kind of organised entertainment at a post-war holiday

Fact or Fiction

I have always loved books and envisaged that in retirement there would be ample opportunity to read the piles of novels that pervade so many rooms in our home. If truth be known, whilst I certainly find the time to read more than I did before I retired, I am still making slow progress in getting through what is probably at least one lifetime's worth of reading material within our four walls. I am a member of a reading group which meets every six weeks to discuss a chosen book and in between I always try to read another two or three books. I have fairly broad tastes in literature, reading everything from Milton and Chaucer to contemporary writers, of whom my favourites are Ian McEwan and Sebastian Faulks. I usually avoid science fiction, however, and, when in need of simple, no-thought entertainment, immerse myself in an easy to read chick-lit. Holidays, especially whilst travelling on aeroplanes, are a great time for reading. Last week was no exception although, cons

No Going Back

Mister E and I returned from a week on Santorini on Wednesday. Unfortunately the return flight was somewhat delayed and it was 4.15 am when we got home after driving back from Manchester airport. With a time difference of two hours between BST and Greece, it felt like 6.15 am and we were well and truly exhausted. Note to ourselves: try to book morning flights in future to avoid such occurrences. Mind talking to the lady on the plane next to me I couldn't help but feel smug at the fact that, unlike her, I did not have to be at work for 9 am. I had last visited Santorini in 1979 just after I had graduated, when I joined an unwashed mass of under 25's from Britain, Germany and France, sleeping on beaches as we all island hopped around the Aegean. This time, I am pleased to report, that Mister E and I had very comfortable accommodation in a delightful hotel and there was not a sleeping bag to be seen on the neighbouring beach. Thirty six years ago I had arriv

Retirement Values

Whilst staying on Santorini last week, Mister E and I spotted this sign. I reproduce it here because it accurately sums up so many of the values that I have adopted and how we seek to live our retirement. (With thanks to Tranquilo at Perissa, Santorini)

Expenditure in Retirement

So many people feel they cannot afford to retire and whilst this may be true for some, there are others who have not done the maths. Before Mister E and I decided to take the plunge, we felt that it was important that we worked out the extent of our expenditure as opposed simply to an income and savings forecast. We accordingly tracked and broke down our spending, then, satisfied that the kind of retirement we sought was indeed an affordable option, jumped in. We have continued to analyse our expenditure and, as we anticipated, in retirement spend less on some areas (primarily car expenses and clothing) and more on others (travel, leisure and incidental costs in particular). Surprisingly utility bills which we had assumed might increase significantly with our daily presence have not done so, presumably offset by our various absences. The most important thing, however, is that by now knowing what we use our money for, we are in control and, should the need arise, would be